
Scottish Studies Summer Program Essay

Decent Essays

There are opportunities in life that one shouldn't miss. Attending St. Andrew’s Scottish Studies Summer Program is one of of those opportunities. Growing up I have only traveled around California and it’s surrounding states. In the future I envision myself traveling to the seven wonders of the world and studying abroad. Present day I don’t really know much about Scotland except the pretty awesome accent the Scottish people have and some of the music they play. When I heard about the two week program being offered I felt excited because I knew this was an opportunity to travel and expand my knowledge on a different culture. I have always wanted to feel independent all my life so what better chance do I get than this program which offers a …show more content…

I think learning Scottish subjects like literature, history, or politics sounds interesting because it’s different than American subjects. Not only that but it’s pretty interesting how it’s at the oldest Scottish University which well make me feel connected to the culture and education in Scotland. I’m intrigued with the thought of learning and meeting different people from different backgrounds and trying different things. I think learning history of a certain subject is so interesting because you get to see what happened in the past and analyze how that shaped the future. With that concept said I think it would be interesting to compare Scottish history with American history and see trends. Scotland must have so much history to it just like any other country. But I think studying history of a certain spot at the place of the origin is interesting because it’s history coming alive. Scotland will provide me with an experience that will expand my knowledge and perspective on their political government. Throughout this year I have kept up with politics here at home which has been really interesting. If I would go to Scotland and learn about their political processes I think it would be interesting to see their set of values and

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