
Scotch-Irish Research Paper

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The purpose of my paper is to show how the Scotch-Irish culture came to be in the United States. There were several things that led the Scotch-Irish to make the perilous journey across the Atlantic Ocean to America including famine and high rents. It is estimated that 40-55,000 Scotch Irish arrived in America from 1763 to 1775. (Everyculture) The Scotch-Irish is one of the strongest cultures in the United States and their influence has been generous.
The Scotch-Irish can trace their ancestry through Scotland and Northern Ireland. (Everyculture) The Scotch-Irish are descendants from 200,000 Scottish Lowland Presbyterians who were forced to move to Ulster in Northern Ireland in the 1600’s. Due to the economic conditions along with religious and …show more content…

They brought their music and cuisine with them. Some of the food staples included potatoes, oatmeal and barley. The barley was used in the making of whiskey; oatmeal was their breakfast and potatoes (they would starve without their potatoes). They also enjoy soups, beef, and short-bread. The music of the Scotch-Irish can be found primarily in the Appalachian Mountains. The region is ripe with folk songs of the culture. The Scotch-Irish are a clannish lot meaning they would travel with their clans and settle in the same area. (Everyculture) This also allowed the Scotch-Irish to keep their culture intact.
The Scotch-Irish was hardworking and thrifty. They weren’t affected too much by race, language and religion. (Everyculture) There are several notable names that were of the Scotch-Irish descent including Andrew Carnegie, Daniel Boone and many more. A lot of the immigrants worked as farmers, in steel mills and coal mines, along the railroads and still others sought higher education. Poverty also has affected the Scotch-Irish when factories closed their doors. Health issues were based on the where the jobs were such as coal mining which led to Black Lung and other pulmonary

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