
Scope Of The Salem Witch Trials

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The Salem Witch Trials: Trial by Rope The salem witch trials began in salem village, Massachusetts, 1692. The witch trials were when people believed in the devil giving power to witches to be able to harm others in return for their loyalty. The trials originally began in Europe as early as the 1500’s and was everywhere in colonial New England. Eventually, the horrid realities of life in Puritan Salem Village , Massachusetts at the time included the side- effects of the British war with France in the American Colonies in 1689, a recent smallpox outbreak, fearing attacks from neighboring native american tribes, and a long rivalry with the more affluent community of Salem, Massachusetts. Because of the tension, fear, and paranoia the Salem Witch Trials were fueled by the residents’ paranoia and fear towards their neighbors and outsiders. The men and women in Salem Village believed that the witches existed, only because of their fear. In that time period, the word “witch” meant a woman or child that had magic powers, especially evil one's. The Salem witch trials began because a few little girls in Salem Village would always sit with an African slave named Tituba and listen to her stories, which the parents did not like. The girls eventually began acting odd and it was deemed that they were being “possessed”, or controlled, by “witches”. When questioned, the girls named three women that were witches that controlling them. The so-called witches’ names were Tituba, who willingly

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