
Scientism Vs Free Will

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A fabulous woman struts down the streets of New York. Her chin is angled skyward and she is garbed in a type of luminescent empowerment. Her heels click against the pavement, resounding a message of, no, not oppression, but instead an awareness of one’s value and strength. Her eyes don’t frantically scan the crush of people rushing to and from wherever in a daze of paranoia, her gaze is direct and fearless. She does not wonder who her next assailant is, she only seeks out fulfilment that in another time would be vehemently denied her. Weaving an untouched and unimpeded path, she stops at a gently-hipster building designed to appeal to a 21st century woman such as herself. “Now that’s new and certainly progressive” she thinks.

‘The Wing’- …show more content…

Irreverent of what scientism states, it is possibly the most viable way we may understand the formation of groups and the way they interact. Why the natural sciences do not quite hit the mark with the past and anticipated behaviours of humans is because of this little thing called free will. Free will is what makes the human and natural sciences differ- because it spits right in the face of the methodology of the natural sciences, Perhaps it is why it is called the Problem of Free Will. Free will- that thing that allows us to go for the 10th slice of pizza even though evolution has developed a response in you that explicitly and emphatically yells at you “no more”. So, fundamentally, it is the defiance of determinism- our genes, the very biology of our being. Owing to this, the natural sciences cannot be used effectively in application to humans and other related …show more content…

In a study done to understand the sexism inherent in other primate species, scientists took a look at the species in which violence against its female members does and doesn’t occur- enter the female-dominated species of Bonobos. Instead of using force, males will network with females to gain support from them- the young male bonobos see this behaviour and mimic what their successful fathers do. Observed Bonobo populations seem to prioritise grooming over aggression when dealing with the ladies. And, this works! While the bonobos are still using stratagem to bring about the same end result of copulation, compared to the notoriously aggressive savanna baboons, a more functional society

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