
Science Fair Report Sample

Decent Essays

I will be doing my science fair project on what ingredient will best activate a package of dry yeast. Dry yeast was developed by Fleischmann's company during WW11, so that people in the army did not have to get their yeast refrigerated, while still being able to easily make bread. Activating means to cause an act or function. Activating dry yeast makes the yeast makes it thick, bubbly, and foamy. It will be an off white in color and sometimes appear to be more of a light brown. Yeast is single-celled fungi. There are roughly over 600 species of yeast that we know of. Many of which can be distributed greatly in nature. Where exactly can we get yeast? This may be a common question one may have about yeast. Yeast can be exudates in plants. This includes cacti and the sap of the plants. Also, yeast can be found in the skins of fruits like grapes, apples, and peaches. You may also get yeast from the skin of berries. In the past this experiment has been done. It can be found when you look up the title Yeasty Beasties. On the website,, I found that this website was doing the project the same way I will be doing mine. After reading this article I have learned that if you mix sugar and yeast the yeast will eat the …show more content…

Like why does yeast bubble, when was yeast discovered for baking purposes, and how do we use yeast in everyday life? Well, when you add a pinch of sugar to your yeast it will bubble, this is if it's not expired. The yeast feeds on the sugar and once the released carbon dioxide expires the dough will rise. Adding a pinch of sugar will be a constant in my project. Vinegar cancels out the ability for yeast to grow, so this is why many people use vinegar for a home remedy for yeast infections on the body. With only a small amount of baking soda yeast rises more, but if there is too much then the growth will get

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