
Schooling Makes You Smarter Analysis

Decent Essays

Summer of 2015 was the summer I joined marching band for the first time. I really enjoyed it, even though it was strenuous with a 40 pound bass drum attached to my back. We prepared for the longest parade any of us had ever been on. The 5 mile parade would be in Bristol, RI. Marching and hitting the bass drum as hard as I could was a ton of fun to me. I loved the passion that everyone in the band had for it. We drank water and rested up for the long parade. Much like Charlie right before his operation, we were nervous (Flowers for Algernon 1). Charlie was getting an operation to make him smarter. We strapped up our drums and began the long parade. Keeping watch of our footing and our tempos are always important in band. It was especially …show more content…

The band started getting tired around 3 miles in. I kept telling myself, "Just a little bit longer." Even though I was having a blast, I was getting very tired. Word spread through the band quicker than lightning. I was always hearing my band mates say, "Just around the corner." This went through the band several, several times. People in the band were dropping like flies. They were getting dehydrated and overheated. Even though it was really hard to keep going, I was determined like Erik in "Blind to Failure". Erik is a blind man who climbed Mnt. Everest. With great determination and support, he was able to reach the summit of the mountain. When the parade was finally done, a kid was rushed to the first aid center so they could make sure he was okay. We go our sweaty gear off and rested up for the next parade that we had that evening. Everyone felt accomplished. We said to each other, "There is no way I'm doing this again," even though we knew that was a complete

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