
School Wide Behavior Expectations

Decent Essays

The current school-wide behavior expectations at my school cover all aspects and areas of the campus. Expectations involve the school mascot’s name, S.P.A.R.K.Y. as an acronym for remembering appropriate behavior. These behaviors consist of speaking kind words, preparing at home to learn at school, asking for help, respecting others, keeping hands and feet to yourself, and you can be the best. These behaviors are reviewed at the beginning of school, new grading quarter, and after a lengthy vacation period. The idea of using the mascot’s name is helpful for students to remember when asked to explain the rule that was broken. This allows dialogue to guide the student in understanding the importance of why expectations are in place and the effects …show more content…

(See Appendix A). This should lead to clarification of when consequences should occur and improve student understanding of such actions. The first expectation puts educational responsibility upon the learner. Students preparing at home to learn at school allow organizational and planning skills to take place. These needed skills are crucial in developing critical thinking and problem solving which aligns with college and career expectations as stated by Common Core State Standards Initiative (2016). Next, respecting others through kind words and actions acknowledges the importance of valuing others opinions, ideas, feelings, and differences as students learn to accomplish tasks together. Lastly, the expectation of you can be the best gives responsibility back to the child and ownership of his or her education with the goal of success in mind. With these three core expectations, students are able to focus on correct actions and the consequences that may follow if refusing to do so. Assisting the diverse needs of the student population is met by displaying expectations, and their consequences in written and non-written form. This will benefit all students even the youngest learners who are unable to read. Making the benefits of following the expectations readily available allows students to focus on the goal with rewards celebrated in a timely manner, which increases student motivation to

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