
Are School Uniforms Good Or Bad Research

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered about school uniforms, are they good or bad, well here's some research to help you decide. There is some research about school uniforms in small countries, good, and bad in the world. Now remember there is good to both sides. Are school uniforms good or bad?
School uniforms are good because of some studies have shown a connection between uniforms and better attendance and graduation rates. One study in 2010 showed that uniforms improved test scores and attendance for students, especially for girls(Wilde). School uniforms are good because then no one can be bullied for different clothing. There have been less amounts of bullying in schools because of school uniforms. Public schools should require uniforms. Some families can't afford new clothes. But with …show more content…

Some girls were forced to stand up in class so their shorts could be measured to ensure they met the required length."At first it was just a few people, then it escalated," says Barbara, who was never punished for an infraction herself. "The way the policy was being carried out didn't seem fair." Concerned about the pattern, she soon found herself in an online chat with other girls from her school, venting about the code.They also found the language of the policy--which stated that clothing must not be too "distracting"offensive.
That wording "suggests that it is girls responsibility to dress modestly to keep from 'distracting' their male counterparts," students wrote in an online petition (Naughton).
Good and bad to school uniforms. There is so many examples good and bad. But it's up to you to decide if school uniforms are good or bad. Thank you for reading this research paper. Just remember that people can have different ideas on this subject and might argue with you on the subject: school uniforms so be prepared to debate and maybe change there mind about school

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