Have you ever wondered about school uniforms, are they good or bad, well here's some research to help you decide. There is some research about school uniforms in small countries, good, and bad in the world. Now remember there is good to both sides. Are school uniforms good or bad?
School uniforms are good because of some studies have shown a connection between uniforms and better attendance and graduation rates. One study in 2010 showed that uniforms improved test scores and attendance for students, especially for girls(Wilde). School uniforms are good because then no one can be bullied for different clothing. There have been less amounts of bullying in schools because of school uniforms. Public schools should require uniforms. Some families can't afford new clothes. But with
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Some girls were forced to stand up in class so their shorts could be measured to ensure they met the required length."At first it was just a few people, then it escalated," says Barbara, who was never punished for an infraction herself. "The way the policy was being carried out didn't seem fair." Concerned about the pattern, she soon found herself in an online chat with other girls from her school, venting about the code.They also found the language of the policy--which stated that clothing must not be too "distracting"offensive.
That wording "suggests that it is girls responsibility to dress modestly to keep from 'distracting' their male counterparts," students wrote in an online petition (Naughton).
Good and bad to school uniforms. There is so many examples good and bad. But it's up to you to decide if school uniforms are good or bad. Thank you for reading this research paper. Just remember that people can have different ideas on this subject and might argue with you on the subject: school uniforms so be prepared to debate and maybe change there mind about school
Most people that were surveyed at Rancho Mirage High School said that we shouldn’t wear uniforms. This is because uniforms are expensive, even though they say they are free but they actually take the money from your budget and also it depends how many kids you have at the house. Another reason that you should not wear uniforms is that people get to loose the ability to express themselves through clothing. According to studies uniforms are supposed to help you get to school earlier and more often, pay attention better, and also to score better on tests, but do they really? People that were surveyed said that how are uniforms supposed to help us be better at school it is just clothes.
School uniforms are a very diverse topic today. Many people people believe that they are very beneficial, but others may argue that they are irrelevant. Schools implementing strict dress codes, or uniforms, is a good decision because it prevents students from bullying each other based on appearance, and it may help some families financial situations.
The argument between to have or not have school uniforms has been an ongoing dispute ever since the use of them. I have first-hand experience of having school uniforms and having no school uniforms. I strongly believe that school uniforms are beneficial to an individual’s school success/experience.
School Uniforms by Julian Alvarado I think students should wear uniforms because it will improve punctuality, increase safety, and reduce peer pressure. Students will spend less time picking clothes because they will be wearing uniforms. Intruders will be easy to find because everyone will be wearing uniforms will increase safety and prevent other people from invading the school. Uniforms will reduce peer pressure so nobody will compete with each other on wearing expensive clothing and items. You could argue that school uniforms do not stop bullying and may increase violent attacks.
School uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating the size of wardrobe shifts the attention toward their school work. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked
Although parents and teachers believe school uniforms are good for pupils, pupils themselves disagree. Study shows that students dislike wearing the identical style of clothing every day to school, it is boring and
David L. Brunsma, PhD, professor of sociology at Virginia Tech co-authored research that studied 10th graders. He found "no effects of uniforms on absenteeism, behavioral problems, or substance use on campus." and "no effects" on "pro-school attitudes, academic preparedness, and peer attitudes towards school. Brunsma also found a "negative effect of uniforms on academic achievement," and later found the same for elementary students and eighth graders, all according to procon.org. In truth, this is my strongest belief on why we should not have uniforms. If it does not improve students grade, why have them? In conclusion, uniforms do not make students academically better.
School uniforms are a debatable topic that has been going on for years. Fashion has began to overrule schools rather than education. There are quite some people who believe school uniforms should not be enforced, however, many also believe that school uniforms are the best things for students. School uniforms are a great resource and will cause less chaos in schools because they will ensure equality, provide safety to the school, and are cost effective.
In the article ," School Uniforms Are Inefficient and Unnecessary," by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) OF Nevada, the ACLU of Nevada successfully builds an argument in opposition to institution of uniforms in school by alluding to historical precedents, appealing to patriotism, and using ethos to foster a sense of solidarity.
The idea of school uniforms seems like an obsolete concept for many individuals. Unless a child goes to private school, it is not usually practiced by children and families. But around the world, trying school uniforms is the norm. Students studying in schools that require school uniforms normally perform very well educationally and seem happy wearing the same outfit daily. There are many benefits to wearing school uniforms that schools should force into their public schools.
some kids don’t have money so they can buy the uniforms and the other students can make fun of them
Keygan Uptigrove Persuasive Essay Are school uniforms really good for schools. Over the U.S., ⅕ of the schools have to wear uniforms. Also in some states kids have uniform policies and if not followed some parents can be jailed. Schools should not have uniforms because kids cannot express themselves.
Waking up for another dreadful day of school. Quickly get ready in the new trend, without worrying about the Cedarwood uniform. Without the uniform, students would feel freer. Uniforms can also make more problems for students to deal with, they also don’t improve/help students.
School uniforms should definitely be used in school systems. Uniforms are both good for schools as well as for the students. Wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning. Wearing school uniforms will help improve student individuality and improve their self-esteem.
Uniforms in schools are a big debate around the world. Should we have uniforms in schools? The answer is yes because uniform help the schools. They bring to table a great deal of help because students are getting bullied, killed, and some may not have as much as other when shopping for clothes. Having uniforms bring safety to schools and what goes on after school.