
School Lunches & Government Regulations are Unhealthy for Kids and Schools

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In LAUSD, students throw away over $100,000 in food every day. That adds up to a loss of around $18,000,000 annually, which is 10% of their food, wasted (Watanabe). Our nation's schools are losing billions of dollars annually, and our weak economy is paying for school meals that many students refuse to eat, despite the efforts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.The government is making attempts to reduce childhood obesity by regulating school meals, PE, and health education, but it has all been to no avail. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act is actually harming both the kids and their schools because the meals are more expensive, the yen up unappetizing, and many kids are left with empty bellies.

The obesity epidemic is a very severe …show more content…

Color may seem kind of odd, and in truth, it is. The lawmakers’ point in regulating the colors of fruits is probably because the color of a fruit or veggie can be used as an indicator for what vitamins and minerals it contains, as well as how starchy and carb-rich it is. If they care what Vitamins and how much starch is in the vegetables and fruits on a kid's plate, why don't they just make those some of the requirements the schools have to follow? Also, all the extra food they now have to buy doesn’t seem to be helping their situation:
“the extra produce costs school districts $5.4 million a day, with $3.8 million of that being tossed in the trash, according to national estimates based on a 2013 study of 15 Utah schools by researchers with Cornell University and Brigham Young University” (Watanabe).
Schools are being forced to spend literally millions of dollars in addition to their already overflowing costs of educating the children of our nation’s taxpayers. Since everyone is paying for these meals either way, we should be told that we are paying taxes to fund lunches that are so expensive because of “the requirement to offer both a fruit and vegetable — previously it was one or the other — and make students take at least one of them in order to receive federal reimbursement for the meal” (Watanabe). With all the new costs of school meals, school districts need the government rebates more than ever, so they follow the rules and make kids take foods that they

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