
School Grade English Language Arts And Reading Teacher

Decent Essays

As a newly graduated teacher, I was beyond grateful when I received that phone call asking if I would like to accept the position as a Hubbard Middle School sixth grade English Language Arts and Reading teacher. After accepting the position, I spent weeks planning for those bright faces to walk into my classroom door and for my world to be forever changed. How would I manage their behavior? Would I allow them to go to the restroom during class? Throughout the summer, leading up to the first day that I would go from a student to a teacher and be in charge of one hundred budding minds and personalities, I lined out everything I needed to have a successful first week. Supplies were sorted into bins, lesson plans were submitted, and copies of get-to-know-you games were made. All through college I heard that the amount I had learned all those year in college wouldn’t compare to the amount I would learn my first year teaching. I was prepared to be a life-long learner, but I didn’t want anything to come as a surprise. Once that door shut, all responsibility would rest on my shoulders. As the year went on, not wanting to jinx myself by saying it out loud, I thought that what they had told me about my first year teaching being the hardest year of my life must have skipped right over me. I was learning a lot, but it was easier than expected. I had amazing relationships with my students, I respected them and that respect was returned, the communication between myself and

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