
Scholarly Review Of Beyond Control : Body And Self

Decent Essays

Scholarly Review of Beyond Control A common concept in the US is that a woman 's job is the have control of her body. Likewise, a woman 's experience with her pregnancy and childbirth has often been scrutinized by society. In "Beyond Control: Body and Self in Women’s Childbearing Narratives", Sharon K. Carter focuses on a woman’s experience of having control over their body during their pregnancy. Her thesis works around the body/self relationship that women create for themselves during pregnancy and childbirth. (Carter, 2010) She also details how society views a woman’s control over their body and how this perception translates to their period of pregnancy and childbirth. Throughout the article, Carter gives readers the underlying impression that she does not believe a woman has control of their body during their pregnancy but may have some control of their body during childbirth.

This research could be categorized as a social constructionism because it takes a social concept of women and delves into how women actually feel during a specific context where this concept of women may not be applied. In my opinion, that was the appropriate thesis orientation because it is a very evident social concept that a woman has total control over her body. The way that Carter researched her theory was nicely done because it helped back her thesis. How she presented her data was very convincing though through some scrutiny of her representative sample there are some possible faults.

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