
Schizophrenia And Its Effects On The Development Of Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that causes people to interpret reality abnormally. The disease is chronic, allowing it to potentially last for a span of years and must be medically diagnosed, with the possibility of medical treatment which can help. Schizophrenia often can result in hallucinations, disordered thinking as well as delusions. Although the specific cause of the disease is not formally known, genetics may assist in playing a role. The disease proves to not be a single disease, but instead, it is composed of a group of eight genetically distinct disorders in which all have their own associated symptoms. A large percent of potential risk for Schizophrenia is known to actually be inherited. The Neuronal PAS Domain Protein 3 (NPAS3) is a protein coding gene and is a member of the basic helix-loop—helix and PAS domain containing family of transcription factors. Specifically, the encoded protein is localized within the nucleus and can regulate genes involved in the process of neurogenesis. Furthermore, NPAS3 has been linked with responsibility for the development of Schizophrenia. Mental and brain disorders are consistently growing in the amount of information and new developments that are being discovered. Furthermore, the amount of information that has been discovered in regards to the disorder Schizophrenia is consistently developing.
It has been a struggle to determine specific genes that are associated with the Schizophrenia condition. Scientists

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