
Schindler's List Research Paper

Decent Essays

Schindler's List Essay The movie “Schindler’s List” by Steven Spielberg portrayed many antagonists and protagonists. The movie was based on how the Jews were treated in World War 2 by the Nazi’s. It was about a man named Oskar Schindler. At first, Oskar just wanted to make money by producing pots and pans to sell to the Nazi army. His plan was to first make Nazi connections by bribing them. At a party, Oskar bought people drinks and that led them to like him. By doing this, he could make connections so he could hire Jews to work for him. He wanted to hire Jews because they were cheaper then hiring Polish. This movie contains many heroes and villains, and we will be taking a look at them. The movie’s greatest hero is Oskar Schindler. Oskar is the movies greatest hero because he saves many Jews from dying in the concentration camps. He accomplishes this by bribing Goeth, a leader of a concentration camp …show more content…

He was both, a good Nazi, and a bad Nazi. At the start of the movie, he kills many Jews and makes them suffer. Such as when the Jews were packed into the cattle cares, dying of dehydration and heat, he does nothing. Oskar suggests to hose them down, and Goeth thinks it’s to give them hope. There was also a hinge maker that Goeth wanted to kill, but couldn’t because his gun was broken. These are examples of him being a good Nazi. Examples of him being a bad Nazi was when he gave thousands of Jews to Oskar. Another example is when he pardons a few Jews from being killed.
Schindler’s list portrayed how the Jews were being killed for a right they had. Schindler saved many Jews and is still considered a hero today. He spent his time, money, and his own life saving these innocent people, this makes him a hero. It also has a villain that followed orders but could slip a little by doing things against his rules. All in all, hero or villain, Jew or Nazi, humane or inhumane, everyone is still a human being, regardless of actions or

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