
Scarlet Ibis Pride Quotes

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Pride can be a good thing at times, but never have to much of it. It could get in the way of many things. Which is what happens in Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst, when Brother's pride gets in the way of excepting his little brother Doodle. Doodle was born premature and can't do the things that Brother can do. Brother doesn't like the fact that Doodle is so slow at doing things. He threatens him, makes him feel bad for the way he is, pushes him to limits that could really hurt Doodle. Have pride but not so much to where it starts effecting the people around you. Reason #1 Brother was guilty since when Doodle was a baby. The day he was born be thought Doodle was a dissapointment. He thought having a brother that wasn't all there was just unbearable. Brother "began to make plans to kill him by smothering him with a pillow" (595). He was never proud about having a disabled brother. He thought Doodle wasn't one of them if he couldn't do what Brother could do. He didn't except Doodle that way. …show more content…

"When Doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn't walk, so I set out to teach him" (597). Brother didn't teach Doodle to help him, he did it because he was embarrassed. When Doodle finally showed his family that he could walk, Brother cried when everyone praised him for showing him how to walk. Brother felt guilty for knowing that he did it because he had so much pride and was so embarressed, He did it for

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