
Scammers Use Of Sound Science In Social Media

Decent Essays

Sound science is scientific studies that have been conducted by qualified researchers. However, there is no literal definition for “sound science,” as the term varies from scientist to scientist, company to company, and politician to politician for purposes to their advantage. So what makes research sound? While many misuse the purpose, whether or not science can be backed or considered stable should be determined by health, environmental and technological factors. The issue of sound science poses many health concerns. In 2003, the American Dental Association released a statement that they would continue to use amalgams containing mercury, and “health care policies must be determined by sound science” (“If it’s not politically helpful, it …show more content…

Whether it is the news on television, newspapers, or online sources, people have knowledge at a flick of the wrist. With such rapid communications, there gives way to a lot of misinformation. There is a lot of false advertisement in social media sites. Scammers advertise everything from new skin care products to prevent or reverse wrinkles to advances in technology. However, when these advertisements proclaiming breakthroughs in science are clicked on, almost always the website redirects to a new page, sometimes with no relation to the topic of the advertisement. If the site does follow through with the promises advertised, chances are the site is not credible. The same goes for news elsewhere. While things like the Nightly News at 6 might seem trustworthy, the information is not always an accurate representation. When a person takes information directly from these sources, that person can become wildly misinformed. Therefore, scientific findings should be “sound” before released to prevent …show more content…

Databases contain reliable works from all kinds of authors. Science is critical to the environment. There are many speculations about conclusions of environmental studies. While the environment is constantly changing, scientists are constantly learning more about it. One of the biggest controversies of nature is climate change. No matter a person’s stand on climate change, they almost always rely on some type of scientific study.
Another popular topic that affects everyone in their daily lives is genetically modified organisms. There seems to be lots of dispute over the dangers of GMOs. Concerns that GMOs contain harsh chemicals that are potentially toxic causes (van Rijssen). Sound science is challenged in the debate over genetically modified organisms because the regulations on these organisms do not prevent threatening circumstances (van Rijssen). For example, if a genetically modified organism was to be grown for consumption, scientists would have to test the effects of the GMO on the human body. However, regulations prevent human testing for fear of harm to the test subject. Therefore, the research for a product cannot be determined “sound” because there are difficulties experimenting and achieving results. Along with GMOs comes pesticides. The pesticides protect crops from damaging insects,

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