
Saving Private Ryan During The Civil War

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“Saving Private Ryan” is a movie that tells the story about a group of soldiers who fought during World War II. The major goal of this group of men is to locate a man who was fighting the war in France and had gotten lost. This soldier was a part of the 101st Airborne, is Private James Ryan, hence the title name “Saving Private Ryan”. This American soldier had up this point lost three brothers to this war but had no knowledge of it. This was an often occurrence in the Civil War as well WWII, proven by the famous “Bixby letter” that is believed to be a letter written by Abraham Lincoln himself consoling a widow who had also lost her five sons during the Civil War previously. Because of this, people worked all they could to make sure a woman …show more content…

Immediately after this scene, the audience finds themselves watching a long fight that represents the allied powers invading Normandy. During the search for Private Ryan, the men of the squad build a strong bond by fighting together, not only for their own lives but also to defend each other. During the search, men are lost and this strengthens the brotherhood among these men. Luckily, Private Ryan was found and was understandably distraught by the news that all his brothers had been killed. He also feels the need remain loyal to his fellow soldiers by continuing to fight the war and refuses to return to the United States with the squad. Going all this way to save Ryan, Captain Miller, the leader of the squad was infuriated but ultimately decided to stay and fight alongside Private Ryan when the Germans attack them. This was a long and hard fight and the squad could hold off the Germans, but several members of the squad who had come to rescue Ryan had been killed. Apart of these fatalities was Captain Miller who died right before Ryan’s eyes in an incredibly emotional scene. During this scene, the letter Miller had written to Ryan’s mother is read aloud in his voice. In this moment, private Ryan’s face is aged and the story is taken back to the opening scene of the movie, which turns out to be present-day Ryan, kneeling to the grave of Captain Miller as he speaks to him and thanks

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