
Save Our Children: The Most Shocking Second A Day

Decent Essays

Save our Children: The Most Shocking Second a Day Children can’t choose the life they are born into. There’s something special and unique about a child’s innocence that causes a beautiful and unique connection derived from human nature. The Save Our Children Organization helps kids around the world in times of war, need, and the organization also helps them to grow and develop a better and safer future. The organization’s commercial “Most Shocking Second a Day Video” uses a heartbreaking appeal to show to the audience how tragedy, pain, loss, fear and war is for some children in today’s world. The commercial directed by UNIT9’s Martin Stirling does this through the use of a young character, and a place and time that most of the audience can relate to. The Save Our Children commercial intentions were not only to inform the world of the catastrophic wars that are happening around the world, but also as a way to advertise the organization’s ability to help the children. …show more content…

In 1932 after being inspired by Jebb’s vision, a group of Americans established Save the Children in the United States. After seeing the good intentions of the organization, sponsorships and individuals started to donate money to the organization. An individual child sponsorship began-for $30 a year, with that money people were able to help support the British war orphans. Over the years, The Save the Children Organization started to expand around the world, to places like Vietnam, Colombia, and Korea. Hundreds of foundations are now partner with this organization to help them fulfill their missions and achieve positive outcomes for children. This organization in the US and around the world give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from

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