
Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Lord of the Flies was a piece by William Golding that contains a theme of savagery and shows the human nature. For instance, the conch, the glasses, the campfire, and many others. Lord of the Flies serves as a political allegory because the island brought out the true sides of people. For instance, the island brought out Jack’s savagery. It showed what kind of leader he was and only cared about himself. He became a killer and a stealer. The only things he wanted, was for Ralph being dead, and for his savages to have rule over the island. The way allegory is used in this situation is the way Jack changes. He turns into a savage and in Lord of the Flies, it shows how anyone is capable of change due to a specific situation. In this story showing the kids adapt to their environment, and adaptation plays a huge role in human nature. It shows how quickly people can adapt, especially when people are expected to be in that type of environment for a long period of time. …show more content…

“You’re talking too much, shut up, fatty.” Jack is already starting the attitude towards people calling them names. Jack is also aiming to be a leader because he thinks he would be the ideal leader for the group. “I ought to be chief, because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.” Jack wants to be a leader and is trying to give every reason why. Instead they had a vote, and Ralph was elected to be chief. Jack still tries to act like he’s in charge. “We don’t need you, three’s enough,” said Jack to Piggy. He thinks he knows what is best for the group, and knows how much is

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