
Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Essay

Decent Essays

It is so extraordinary, how nature and humanity have conjoined together. Well the connection of the two construct a view that all men are capable of having evil rage or likewise becoming savage. In lord of the flies, Golding pervades to us that everyone is capable of savagery. Golding uses, the scar, the island, and the lord of the flies, and the beast to come together and form his theme. Golding begins to depict the island. This is where the story takes place, because the boys have just crash landed here so this is a perfect symbol. The island transcends a representation of the world. Just how we are all constrained in this world and the island becomes their world as they are stuck there. The island represents the world, as the world represents …show more content…

This represents man’s destruction and how man itself has completely begun to scar or embezzle itself into Mother Nature and added an unwanted twist to it. These two symbols have together represented how one certain thing can be taken and destroyed or broken by the acts of another. Moreover, Golding also uses two other symbols. Thus being the lord of the flies and the beast. He begins with the lord of the flies. The lord of the flies is nothing more than the devil himself, he represents that one evil being in this world that will do anything to control or cause harm to all. He is the evil spirit that will try to take us over. In lord of the flies, he becomes to take control of the boys. He gets his way and turns them against each other. Meanwhile, Golding uses the beast. The beast represents the evil we all have inside of us, the beast side of us that comes out when the lord of the flies has taken over. It is that side of evil that no matter who you are or what kind of a person you are, you are capable of unleashing a beast. Golding does a very good job of showing this to the reader, as he shows us how a group of young school boys, show the act of evil. These symbols thus compare, to why we are having scars in our world because of the evil within all of

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