
Savagery In Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

In the last section of Yann Martell’s, Life of Pi, there are many interesting literary device aspects shown throughout the story, mostly revolving around imagery, symbolism, and allegory. After observing Pi suffer greatly from deterioration, lack of sustenance, and loss of faith, hope finally resurrects itself! Pi’s life boat comes upon an island made of pure vegetation. Everything is paradise to Pi, however, as the days pass, Pi starts to notice some peculiar events going on. One day, as Pi climbs a tree on the island, he discovers a human set of teeth wrapped in leaves. At first Pi does not understand what this symbolizes, however when Pi climbs up into the tree to sleep in the evening, all of the meerkats frantically climb up the trees …show more content…

Martell made the book very interesting to read by incorporating so much adventure in Pi’s huge survival journey. When reading throughout the entire book, I was always haunted with the question if Pi will survive, and how he will do it, especially with the Bengal tiger in his life boat. The relationship built between Richard Park and Pi was fascinating to me, and the way the theme of savagery was addressed throughout the novel, sparked many thoughts in my mind about the comparison of us, humans, to animals. By reading this novel, I was equipped with a better knowledge and understanding of in what circumstances humans develop animalistic qualities, and how those animalistic qualities are always in us, but covered in a thick layer of the impact society and civilization has made upon us. I loved how in the end it was revealed that there are two stories, rather than one. I enjoyed how the one Pi told the readers was the one that was optimistic, unbelievable, but extremely interesting! Wheras the other story, was a very realistic one, however, it was filled with melancholy, and was very concise, possibly causing a loss of faith for Pi, and for the readers! However, Martell did not tell the readers which story was the “correct” one because instead, the readers were given an opportunity to chose the story that they enjoyed best, and the one they believed in. Some people are more optimistic than others who like to believe only in the reality, science, and what has already been proven. I do not regret choosing to read Life of Pi, because I enjoyed every single part of

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