
Satir Family Therapy

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Satir’s philosophical and humanistic approach regarding family therapy is the antithesis to the divide and rule model utilized throughout history in many political, sociological, and economical endeavors. Whereas the divide and rule model is typically employed to increase or maintain power for ulterior or selfish reasons, Satir’s approach to family therapy seeks the opposite by promoting liberation and enfranchisement through unification and convergence between and among family members (Littlewood, 2009). For this to occur the therapist must be actively involved with his or her clients and to do so in a nonjudgmental, empathic, genuine manner (Rasheed, Rasheed, & Marley, 2011). To achieve this goal the therapist must first succeed at establishing a strong alliance with each member of the family in order to be accepted as “one of their own”.
According to Rasheed, Rasheed, and Marley (2011), Satir began this process in the first stage of making contact by “gathering information about [her clients] by asking questions and by observing family dynamics and processes” (p. …show more content…

Besides Satir’s stance of not remaining neutral during the therapeutic process she asserted that the counselor must take on many different roles such as a facilitator, a role model, a mediator, and a teacher and educator (Rasheed, Rasheed, & Marley, 2011). Additionally, the counselor must also strive to be the best that he or she can be as they are the most important tool found in the therapist’s toolbox and not how many interventions or techniques that are known. Counseling is about connecting with fellow human beings on a deeper level than most clients are accustomed to. Satir knew this which is why “she believed that the therapist him- or herself is the therapist’s main intervention tool” (Rasheed, Rasheed, & Marley, 2011, p.

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