
Satan Ruined Paradise

Good Essays

John Arancio
Professor Weiss
EN 205
22 November 2014

Satan Ruined Paradise

Paradise Lost, an artistic epic poem, written by John Milton was first published in the year of 1667 with only ten books in the edition. The poem takes place before the beginning of time and in four locations: Hell, Chaos and Night, Heaven, Paradise (Earth)- The Garden of Eden. The epic begins directly after the creation of the universe and after Satan, one of the main characters, was unsuccessful at rebelling against God. Once Satan failed he was damned to Hell, which then fueled him to harm God’s cherished creation, humankind with the help of other rebellious angels. Although, Satan was the one who volunteered and persuaded the council to have him carry out the …show more content…

One of Satan’s favorite ways to persuade a person is the use of the technique rhetoric. He uses the rhetoric repetitively throughout the poem in order to manipulate people and promote false ideas. Not only was Satan able to convince Eve to eat the fruit, he also used rhetoric to bring together the fallen angels on lines 254-255, “The mind is its own place, and in it self Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.” There he proceeds to get the fallen angels to feel as if they are home when they actually in Hell. Satan’s use of rhetoric throughout the story is so powerful that he succeeds in completing the goal he had from the beginning of his journey with the technique of convincing Eve.
“Knowledge of Good and Evil in this Tree, That whoso eats thereof, forthwith attains
 Wisdom without their leave? and wherein lies
Th’ offence, that Man should thus attain to know?
What can your knowledge hurt him, or this Tree
Impart against his will if all be his? Or is it envie, and can envie dwell In Heav’nly brests? these, these and many more Causes import your need of this fair Fruit. Goddess humane, reach then, and freely taste.” (725-733)
In those lines he interrogates Eve with questions. Following the questions he asks her one question that he answers himself, not giving her enough time to reply for herself. After he said that, Eve decided to grab the fruit off the tree and ate it just …show more content…

He pays close attention to the person he is talking to, to learn from them and convey his own ideas further. Whatever ones weakness is, he’ll use it against them. Consequently, when Eve was talking to Satan and he was trying to convince her to eat the fruit he had. He was able to accomplish this by determining what Eve responds well to, which is flattery and sophisticated language. Satan would flatter her until she was charmed and distracted so she could not notice the flaws in his reasoning. For example, “But all that fair and good in thy Divine Semblance, and in thy Beauties heav'nly Ray United I beheld; no Fair to thine Equivalent or second, which compel'd Mee thus, though importune perhaps, to come” (610) What Satan is doing in that line is telling Eve that he could imagine all the heavenly beauties, but he will not see anything as beautiful as her, and of course Eve falls his manipulative ways. When Eve was easily persuaded towards the fruit her whole character went from perfect to imperfect. How could she be so easily convinced? Did she not think of the consequences that come with eating the fruit? If she was around for some of Raphael’s conversations she might have known better. Once Eve ate the fruit she told Adam about it and forced him to eat the fruit when all along this fruit is poisonous and off limits. Eve potentially put Adams life in danger because of her poor decision making which is not fair

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