
Santiago Perseverance Quotes

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In the novel The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway the main character, Santiago, shows many examples of perseverance. Santiago works very hard but gets very little in return. But he doesn’t give up, even in his impoverished condition. He still tries. He goes fishing every day even though he catches little to nothing. Another example of perseverance is when Santiago finally has a fish on his hook but can’t get it up without losing it. He then stays out for a few days persisting that he catches the marlin. And the last example is how the boy never gives up on Santiago even though he has such bad luck. Santiago is an old fisherman who has the worst of luck. He goes out fishing every day but comes home to his shack empty handed. “I could just drift, he thought, and sleep and put a bight of line around my toe to wake me. But today is eighty-five days and I should fish the day well. Just then, watching his lines, he saw one of the projecting green sticks dip sharply," (Hemingway 13). This quote reveals much about Santiago and the theme of the book. It has been eighty-five days since …show more content…

He shows it in his devotion to the old man. “Where did you wash? the boy thought. The village water supply was two streets down the road. I must have water here for him, the boy thought, and soap and a good towel. Why am I so thoughtless? I must get him another shirt and a jacket for the winter and some sort of shoes and another blanket.” (21) The young boy cares a lot for the old man and he shows it by his thoughts. He worries about what the old man needs and how he is cared for. Manolin refuses to give up on the old man and gives Santiago hope. He takes good care of him and loves him. Even though there are a lot of reasons to give up on the old man, Manolin doesn’t. Perseverance doesn’t have to be shown in big ways. It can be show in small, but meaningful, ways. The young boy is a good example of

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