
Sankofa Movie Analysis

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The movie “Sankofa” was a very interesting film. I learned many important things that happened to African American people back in the days. Some part of the film shook me because of how the way they were treated. As the movie continued, I realized that white men treated Africans like they were not human. They named all Africans as the term “Negroes”. They chained Africans, beat them, and raped them. The part where this pregnant lady got caught and got sent back was the most horrifying scene. My heart was throbbing when the man took the first whip. Tears were tumbling down my cheeks when listening to the man count in terror while whipping the pregnant woman. Another scene that I find frighten and emotional is when the Africans got their hands and feet chained, then got dragged …show more content…

They chained her up and sold her to another plantation. Shoma was petrify to see how Africans lifestyle were like. It wasn’t how the way she expected to be. As her life continued as slaves for a couple of years she discovered that Africans as slaves have to go through the toughest pain. At the end of the movie, slaves gathered together to fight their freedom by murdering their masters. Shoma then walked out of that mysterious underground and cried for help. It was like she were having a bad dream. She then sat on top of the roof and stare at the water peacefully. She think to herself that she is glad to be free. This film is well connected to these two other movies called “Roots” and “12 years a slave”. Both of those movies are emotionally intense like the “Sankofa” film. Overall, this movie caught my attention when Shoma first walked down to the mysterious ground. It was a very emotional movie and send us a message of what life was all about for Africans. It teaches us how African American history was like. It shows us pain, love, and

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