
Sand Crabs

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Our findings reveal that there is no significant difference in abundance, sex distribution, or size distribution among the highly populated site, the partially populated site, and unpopulated site (p-values are all <0.05). Therefore, we cannot support our alternative hypothesis that increased human presence results in the decreased presence, decreased size, and skewed sex ratio of sand crabs. As a result, we accept our null hypothesis that the amount of human presence has no significant effect on Emerita analoga population, distribution, or size. The results from this study mirror a similar study on sand crabs in which researchers found no significant difference in sand crab abundance, sex ratio, or size between developed and undeveloped areas (Murph & Faulkes 2011). On the …show more content…

To start, our collections sites were fairly close to one another and were all located along Santa Monica Beach; however, populations of sand crabs vary from beach to beach (Barnes & Wenner 1968). Our study was done on a weekday, thus there were fewer people present at the beach than desired for data collection. We also did not count ourselves as part of the human presence. Perhaps a greater number of people, including ourselves in the count, and a greater difference of human presence between the collection sites would yield us with more appropriate results. Furthermore, any human error in collecting the samples, measuring the carapace, or identifying the sex of the sand crabs may have altered our results. We conducted our experiment during the fall season, whereas recruitment is most intense during the spring (Cox & Dudley 1968), possibly resulting in the complete dominance of females over males observed at all three locations. Lastly, factors that were not in our control such as salinity, temperature, tide height, wave impact, and nutrient availbility may have also influenced our

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