
Sanbar Number Book Report

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Behind every relationship, there lies a much more complex scientific explanation of the number of friends one has. The Dunbar Number is the suggested limit to the number of individuals one can carry a secure relationship with. Accordingly, this number is one hundred and fifty relationships, where a person knows and appreciates every other person in this circle and how they relate to each other within the circle. Although social media can acquaint one to individuals from a wide range of communities, it does not have the capabilities of forming meaningful relationships, causing a limit to the number of connections one can have. Nevertheless, the number was around in the past, is relevant today, and will still be prevalent in the future. While …show more content…

For instance, Harari talks about a gossip theory. In this theory, the Sapiens ability to talk about one another behind each other’s back is, believe it or not, essential for bands of people to work together. This new skill meant that people could form new bonds of trust after they received reliable information or gossip. Furthermore, this was how small groups of people turned into large tribes because this use of gossip to form trust allowed for “a tighter and more sophisticated type of cooperation” (Harari 24). One might ask, well how is this connected to the Dunbar Number? Well, the number of people who can occupy a group has a clear limit. If the number of individuals exceeds the natural limit, all social order could diminish. The limit of people in a group that has come together through gossip is one hundred and fifty people. In other words, there is no one for someone to know on an intimate level, or gossip about more than 150 people, which also happens to be the Dunbar number (Harari 27). Outside of this hundred and fifty, everyone else is a stranger. Likewise, this number as a form of cooperation can be witnessed in more recent history as

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