
San Francisco Research Paper

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What is it like to go to San Francisco
As I egress out of the San Francisco International airport I find myself in an entirely contradictory environment from which I had recently departed. This difference becomes apparent when I leave the regulated atmosphere of the terminal, when I am confronted with the smell of the ocean and the remarkable difference in temperature. I quickly shuck my coat and sweat shirt, revealing my t-shirt underneath. I smell the ocean and feel a swift breeze. My experience has just begun. San Francisco, with all of its oddities and scenic views was the topic of my paper.
San Francisco founded in 1848 after the Mexican-American War, The city soon expanded exponentially after gold was discovered in california around that time. The community on the bay has overcome some major setbacks and restrictions. One event was a series of outbreaks that sent people to quarantine on Angel Island. The most major setback was the earthquake and subsequent fire of 1906. After this event, much of the city was destroyed and many people were displaced. In a defining moment, the city decided to rebuild and had built a grand complex for the world's fair in 1915. The only remnant of which, a dome and surrounding buildings housed an art museum.
San Francisco has …show more content…

However, one quality they all shared was the horrible traffic, it is so bad that it drove the Bay Area to build a below ground shuttle system near an active fault line. The subway is the most efficient way to go around the town. This efficiency it shares with Washington D.C. with similar traffic congestion. However, in comparison Washington’s Metro is more grand than that of the BART. D.C.’s system has a similar design pattern throughout and has a more expensive feel, the BART’s architecture is more limited and has a feel of a old

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