
Samurai Code

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Over the span of thousands of years, countries have refined and honored the traditions of their culture. The Samurai code is an ancient practice from Japan, sometimes called Bushido. Samurai originally meant “one who serves”, which refers to men of noble birth. These warriors obliged by a strict code of conduct, where they practiced loyalty, courage, self-control, respect, honesty, benevolence, justice, and above all else, honor. In addition, appreciation and respect of life was essential for a true warrior. Authors of Japan saw the merit of this tradition and desired to honor its esteem. Specifically, author Ryunosuke Akutagawa honors the Samurai code of Japan in his short story, “In a Grove”
“In a Grove” advocates for the Samurai code in Japan at the time the story was developed in 1922. The Samurai code summoned the best from people and the society flourished in the 1920s. Democracy increased and peaceful change ensued after the gruesome World War I. The military’s power was …show more content…

When the characters in the story are dishonored, they perform seppuku, in accordance with the Samurai code. Seppuku was the voluntary act to die with honor instead of falling into the enemy's hands. This form of suicide was slow and agonizing ergo demonstrating a warrior’s extreme courage, self control, and honor. When the sacred bonds of marriage between Takehiro and his wife are broken by Tajumaru’s violation, the wife knows what she has to do. She stabs herself in the throat and throws herself of a cliff. These are examples of the “many ways” (5), she tries to kill herself. After being dishonored, she follows the Samurai code and performs seppuku to salvage the remainder of her honor. Seppuku shows the extent of the Samurai code in the Japanese culture and dispels any thoughts that the story “In a Grove” rebels the Japanese culture. It encourages the argument that “In a Grove” honors the Samurai code of

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