
Sample Resume : My Husband And I Have Had Have Mentored ( Or Are Currently Mentoring )

Decent Essays

Debbie I have answers to some of your questions. On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Deborah Heiser wrote: Nancy, The questions I ask are broad - and the gyst is that I am looking for you thoughts about mentors you have had - and of those you have mentored (or are currently mentoring). Based on your answers, I will follow up with additional questions in order to get a clear story. 1. Please tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living, and how did you become involved in your line of work? My husband and I have done well enough financially that I now devote my attention on ways we can improve the world. As a student in middle and high school, I was fortunate to have a father who enjoyed pondering interesting math problems …show more content…

With this in mind, Josh proposed that we create a festival rather than a contest that incorporated the features we appreciated in the Saint Mary 's Math Contest: the ability to work on problems with others in a non-competitive environment, and a range of problems that started off easy and rose to a level that would challenge advanced students. I wanted to provide students with engaging, thought-provoking problems that they are likely to find more interesting and challenging problems than those they are assigned in school. We chose to name the Festival after Julia Robinson because she contributed to solving a very difficult math problem, she lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, and we knew her sister Constance Reid. Julia Robinson died July 30, 1985 so we weren 't able to ask her directly, but her sister was delighted to have us use her sister 's name. We suspect that the name Julia Robinson is one of the factors that has contributed to the popularity of Festivals with girls; about a third to half festival attendees are female. We were fortunate that Google offered to host several Festivals, as did Pixar. The first Festival was at Google in 2007; today most Festivals are hosted by schools and universities. Wildly popular, Festivals fill up rapidly and expose tens of thousands of students to fun and engaging math problems. JRMF 's vision is to inspire a lifelong curiosity for mathematics by instilling a genuine interest in creative problem-solving from an early

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