
Sample Resume : Crowdsource Mobile Testing

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Crowdsource Mobile Testing Author(s): Abhishek Srivastava (, 9968024004) and Sanjeev Kumar (, 9999108119) Conference Name: Test Next Symposium 2014 Team Name: EWP QA Manager’s Name: Deepika Sharma NT ID: asriv16 and skum120 Location: Gurgaon Abstract In this world around 17% of the world population or 1.2 billion people are using smartphones & tablets; by the end of 2015 the numbers is estimated to touch 28% or 2 billion. The information technology world is changing at a rapid pace. People are moving from personal computers and laptops to mobile devices and tablets. Every day there is an entry of a new mobile device in the market with new specifications to cater the needs of the customer. This lays out a clear challenge for the software designers and quality assurance teams. The high quality design and functionality are pre-requisite for building customer loyalty. It’s nearly impossible for any quality assurance team to test the application on all the available mobile devices in the market. Next question arises, how can we cater such testing need? How can we build customer loyalty? Is our organization able to support such infrastructure needs? How can we deliver with excellent quality with low cost? In this whitepaper we are focusing on highlighting the benefits of crowd source mobile testing. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 What is Crowd source

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