
Sample Patient Report

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Identifying Information Patient, Sarah, is a 19 year old African American female. Sarah has been employed at two different McDonalds over the past four years. She is in a heterosexual relationship and three months pregnant.
Client Presenting Issues Sarah was admitted to inpatient hospitalization for attempting suicide. The patient stated, “I took four 800 milligrams of motrin because I was over thinking.” The patient reports experiencing depressed moods, “Since 8th grade.” Sarah has been experiencing decreased eating and sleeping. Patient reports, “I don’t sleep because I have bad dreams.” Sarah also reports having anxiety from, “Over thinking.” Sarah also states she has moods of anger. She reports being fired, “Twice because of …show more content…

Patient reports that she informed her mother of the abuse. The patient stated, “She said we planned it when I told her.” Sarah states she became pregnant at the age of 13 by her step-brother. She stated, “I started high school six months pregnant.” Patient reports, “My mom took me to get an abortion when she found out. I did not tell her I was pregnant, she found out because I started showing.” Sarah stated her step-brother was uprooted from their home and, “Sent to live with his mom in South Carolina,” after it was identified the pregnancy was a result of a sexual encounter with her step-brother. Sarah states, “My step-father told my mom she could press charges but she didn’t.” The patient reports not feeling supported by her mother when she informed her mother of the, …show more content…

Her current diagnosis is Bipolar Disorder Depressed, Cannabis use disorder. With the limited sessions I had with the patient, I am not able to confer the current diagnosis. My initial impression of Sarah is major depressive disorder. Sarah experiences nine of the required five symptoms of major depressive disorder as outline in the DSM V (pg. 156). Sarah reports the following: Sadness, change in sleep, change in appetite, loss of energy, irritable, difficulty at work, anxiety, difficulty in relationships, anger, worthlessness, two suicide attempts, and mood swings. Throughout my short period of meeting with Sarah, I did not witness symptoms of manic moods to differentiate the diagnosis between bipolar disorder and major depressive. I am unable to state with certainty if the patient meets the criteria for mania to substantiate the psychiatrist’s diagnosis of bipolar depressed type. The symptom of irritability is present. However, as stated in the DSM V, I am unable to determine if Sarah has three of the 7 required symptoms to meet the criteria for mania (pg.

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