
Same Sex Marriage - Implication to Moral Values

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Gay Marriage: Social Implications
There has been much controversy on the subject of gay marriage for a long time, and in several different areas. There has been conflict in the educational, the legal (governmental rights), and the religious aspects, among others. Amidst all the confusion and chaos that comes from the usually rather passionate opinions on this issue, the question that seriously needs to be considered is this: How would legalizing gay marriage ultimately affect American society as a whole?
One of the most common arguments opposing same-sex marriage is that it would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage. It seems that the understood definition of the word “marriage” explicitly uses the phrase …show more content…

Lastly, the legalization of gay marriage would be expanding true equal rights to include another minority. How can two institutions be exactly the same if they cannot be called the same thing (i.e. “marriage” versus “lifelong partnership”)? To refuse a gay couple to be married is literally denying a minority their rights as a United States citizen and as a human being. It’s denying them their right to “the pursuit of happiness”, their right to a home and family, and their right to respect, not to mention all the legal and social benefits (such as tax benefits) that a heterosexual husband and wife receive. The rejection is unfair and unjust.
There are countless reasons that the issue of gay marriage is one that brings up such frenzied controversy—tradition, religion, education, government power, ethics, bound conscience—and no matter how the topic is dealt with, there will be people who oppose it. But the evidence needs to be considered: equal rights, a recognized and respected committed relationship, a stable family, a home; these are all factors that create and reward a well rounded and working community. By no means would the legalization of gay marriage harm society; the effect of such a union would only by beneficial.
How could gay marriage harm anyone? by Matt Slick
Harm is a relative term. What might be considered harmful to one person might not to another.

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