Gay Marriage: Social Implications
There has been much controversy on the subject of gay marriage for a long time, and in several different areas. There has been conflict in the educational, the legal (governmental rights), and the religious aspects, among others. Amidst all the confusion and chaos that comes from the usually rather passionate opinions on this issue, the question that seriously needs to be considered is this: How would legalizing gay marriage ultimately affect American society as a whole?
One of the most common arguments opposing same-sex marriage is that it would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage. It seems that the understood definition of the word “marriage” explicitly uses the phrase
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Lastly, the legalization of gay marriage would be expanding true equal rights to include another minority. How can two institutions be exactly the same if they cannot be called the same thing (i.e. “marriage” versus “lifelong partnership”)? To refuse a gay couple to be married is literally denying a minority their rights as a United States citizen and as a human being. It’s denying them their right to “the pursuit of happiness”, their right to a home and family, and their right to respect, not to mention all the legal and social benefits (such as tax benefits) that a heterosexual husband and wife receive. The rejection is unfair and unjust.
There are countless reasons that the issue of gay marriage is one that brings up such frenzied controversy—tradition, religion, education, government power, ethics, bound conscience—and no matter how the topic is dealt with, there will be people who oppose it. But the evidence needs to be considered: equal rights, a recognized and respected committed relationship, a stable family, a home; these are all factors that create and reward a well rounded and working community. By no means would the legalization of gay marriage harm society; the effect of such a union would only by beneficial.
How could gay marriage harm anyone? by Matt Slick
Harm is a relative term. What might be considered harmful to one person might not to another.
Opponents of gay marriage often use the defense that the cultural traditional definition of marriage needs to be protected, and cannot be altered to include homosexuals. An anti-gay marriage article reads, "Marriage is not created by government. It is older than the Constitution, older than America, older even than the church. It
Gay marriage is not the only issue that is being discussed throughout America involving the gay community. In a particular study done by USA Today, results showed that when Americans were asked if they think homosexual relationships between consenting adults should be legal, 46% answered yes (“USA Today” 6). However, when asked if they would then favor a law that would allow homosexuals to get married, only 24% were in favor (6). This survey also showed the differences of peoples’ ideas based on if they attended church or not (6). The results showed that 73% of Americans who attend church weekly oppose the legalization of gay marriage and only 38% of those who don’t attend church oppose legalization (6). These results show that for many Americans, marriage is a religious agreement, but for many others, marriage is a right that should be given to all who want to partake in it.
Furthermore, opponents warn that legalization of same-sex marriage and changes to the civil definition of marriage would cause an avalanche of changes in other areas. Laws regarding employment, education, healthcare, and housing would be altered to accommodate same-sex couples. Such sweeping changes are viewed by advocates of religious freedom as further risking religious liberties of organizations and individuals relating to a range of businesses and industries. In essence, the legalization of same-sex marriage is seen as compulsory sanctioning of a lifestyle that goes against the fundamental beliefs of certain groups and individuals and, moreover, requires them by force of law to act contrary to their religious tenets. This scenario is viewed as a direct assault on religious liberties.
Gay marriage has been an issue for a very long time and since some states are legalizing it, many worry that it would soon be added as an amendment. The topic of gay marriage brings up religious, legal, and many other issues. In "What's wrong with Gay Marriage?" by Katha Pollitt, the author supports gay marriage and wants it legalized. She states that there is no problem with gay marriage and it's all a matter of separating the church and state. But in “Gay ‘Marriage’: Societal Suicide,” by Charles Colson, the author opposes the idea of gay marriage and states that it will destroy society. Marriage is intended to unite a man and a woman together to bring children into the world, but due to the same-sex marriage,
2. The institution of marriage has traditionally been defined as being between a man and a woman. In
There are roughly 313,900,000 people living in the United States and within those people roughly 9,000,000 people categorize as either lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (gates). This statistic was calculated throughout many surveys issued in 2010 throughout all states in the United States. These statistics were presented in an article written by Gary J. Gates in April of 2011. Now that it is currently almost the year 2014 the number of homosexuals have only risen in the past few years due to the legalization of same sex marriage throughout some states. Same sex marriage is becoming a well-known controversy in the United States due to complete opposite opinions. Society often examines the changes throughout the years in terms of consequences rather than in benefits. The legalization of same sex marriage is often portrayed as consequential to society however when examined more closely there would be more benefits to society if this controversy was viewed in terms of positive change. Benefits society could achieve from legalization of same sex marriage are providing new economic and business opportunities, and encouraging equal opportunity and a non-discriminatory society.
Marriage within the United States has always been focused on one man and one woman being together for the remainder of their lives. To have marriage be centered on the union of a man and a man or a woman and a woman is preposterous. Marriage is needed to keep our society prosperous with the production of children who will one day take over the roles of their parents when they pass on. Marriage between couples of the same sex will not produce children, thereby defeating the purpose of marriage altogether. It is argued that same-sex couples could increase the number of adoptions of needy children in the United States, this much is true, but belonging to a household where the heads of the house are of the same-sex could cause problems for the child in the long run. Bullying and teasing in school will undoubtedly surround these children daily, it is not worth the emotional pain that will inevitably befall these children to give them a home in a same-sex household, no matter how loving these parents are.
Gay marriage has been a controversial topic that is highly debated all around the globe, containing many of its own varying viewpoints and beliefs on both sides of the argument. Those who oppose same-sex marriage believe that it is a sacred bond that can only be kept sacred between a man and a woman, and that same-sex marriage will ruin the sanctity of marriage. Also, if gay marriage is allowed they believe that it will open the door to other non-traditional relationships to be accepted such as polygamy. Finally other key oppositions come from religious beliefs and standards. However the many that support gay marriage usually argue that everyone should have equal right to be in relationships with each other and receive the financial, emotional, and social benefits of marriage. I mean who really would be affected if same-sex marriage were to become legal? Nobody. If everyone feels that there is that special someone whom they are perfect for and will fall in love with, gay people would feel the same way. They deserve equal opportunity to not only find that perfect somebody but to be able to love them and get married. Leading to parenthood, and while gay couples are not able to have children on their own, that doesn’t mean they can’t adopt children off the street. However, several times have happened where a gay couple were put at the end of a waiting list or even denied completely just because of their sexual orientation. Other benefits to marriage are also tax breaks and
While some states have began to embrace the civil rights of all American people and allowing both hetero- and homo-sexual couples to marry, some states have done quite the opposite and banned same sex marriages and unions. Not all Americans feel so strongly about legalizing same sex marriage. Those against same sex marriage believe marriage has been defined as being between a man and a woman. However, that has not always been true, as explained in the beginning of this paper, the ancient people commonly wed the same gender and them and also had same sex sexual relations ( In fact in the first century Nero the Emperor of Rome married at least two of his lovers who were men (Chastain 19.) It was not until Christianity became a wide spread religion that sodomy and homosexuality became immoral. Those who oppose the legalization of gay marriage also believe that same sex marriage will threaten the institution of marriage. Marriages since 2011 have been at a new low, with only 52 percent of adults being married (Yen). However gays are fighting for the right to marry who they love, while heterosexual couples take that for granted. Divorce rates are currently lingering around 40-50% that is without gays being able to be married in many states. By allow homosexuals to marry their significant others, it will allow for a stronger bond and maybe bring back life into the deteriorating world of marriage. In states that do allow for same sex marriages, their divorce rates are
It thus prevents people from thinking that same-sex marriage makes homosexuals sinners. Marriage is a right that should be afforded to every individual whether they are gay or straight. Same-sex marriage thus helps solidify the appropriate social norm of sexual restraint and care-giving within the family. Legalizing same-sex marriages would be good for America as it would spur equality, promote family stability and validate LGBT family units as well as increase the number of children successfully adopted. Allowing gay marriage would be important in providing financial boon for both the private sector and state governments. Gay couples inject a considerable amount of money in the economy while spending on marriage
Although the gay marriage topic has been pretty hot this year and during the Presidential debate, it has been around for a while, but people tended to ignore it. In contrast, today the topic has gained national attention. Not only has it been an interesting topic to look at in terms of same-sex weeding but also due to religious means. Some opponents object to same-sex marriage on religious grounds, arguing that extending marriage to homosexual couple's undercuts the conventional meaning of marriage in various traditions, and does not fulfill and procreation role. Writers have coined the term "marriage" to be restricted to a religious context and that state and federal government should not be involved in the religious practice. This could
Based on a 2015 poll, 39% of Americans are against the idea of gay marriage (Changing Attitudes). However, this opinion fails to take into account that the United States characterizes itself with the phrase “Liberty and Justice for all.” Where is the liberty and justice for same-sex couples? Gay marriage is not something that Americans can dismiss without taking into consideration the economical boost that takes place because of it, the freedom of religion the United States promises and the rights that come along with it, and more importantly, the human beings who are affected that deserve liberty and equality just like the rest of the nation
I strongly agree with the legalization of the gay marriages in many of the societies even though it is a subject that elicits mixed reactions and opposition from some quarters. The utilitarianism approach that seeks to establish whether the end justifies the means can be applied whereby the benefits of such legalization and the disadvantages are compared. When gay marriages are legalized, the beneficiaries will include the gays, adopted children and the society as a whole. Opponents such include religion, which argues that marriage is a sacred institution to be shared between a man and woman and that marriage, should serve a higher purpose of reproduction. However, the opponents would not suffer in effect since they only claim
Allowing same-sex marriages would change the basic definition of marriage. Marriage is an important commitment of a man and a woman who contribute to civilization. Therefore, the loss of contributions due to someone’s sexual orientation should not be rewarded with a privilege such as marriage. Same-sex marriages affect many factors such as children, the concept of marriage, and humanity. However, it is not a misdemeanor to love somebody of the same gender but it can rigorously damage many aspects of life.
As the society changing, the history of marriage also changes. Marriage is legally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship, but do those two partners always have to be a man and a woman? Most people believe that homosexuals should be granted equal rights as heterosexual couples. Being as an important social issue, same-sex marriage has become a hot topic of public debates in the recent years. For over the past decade, public support for the same-sex marriage has quickly risen. The United States is one of over twenty countries that allow gay and lesbian couples to wed. I believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized in all countries for several reasons, such as being an issue of equal rights, separation of church and state, no negative effect on the heterosexual communities, increasing in child adoption, and decreasing divorce and suicide rates.