
Salem Witch Trials In The Late 1600's

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Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch Trials play a major role in the history of the late 1600’s. The people and their actions involved have changed the face of Salem today. The term witchcraft is defined as the practice of magic intended to influence nature. It is believed that only people associated with the devil can perform such acts. The Puritan town of Salem was home to most of these trials. There were two types of people in Salem; the ones who wanted to leave and the ones who did not. Reverend Parris was the preacher at the Puritan church, he has a nine-year-old daughter named Betty, and a twelve-year-old niece named Abigail Williams. Since they lived so far away from Salem Town, there wasn't much for them to do for recreational purposes. …show more content…

They were brought to the village meeting house to be questioned. The “circle girls” has been stationed in the meeting house before the three women were let in. In the group of girls only one wasn't present, Betty Parris. As the judge asked the girls if Sarah Good has done this to them, they fell on the floor screaming as they were being tormented, they did the same when it was Sarah Osborne. Finally, Tituba was brought in, the girls “torment’ had worsen. Tituba had confessed to signing the devil's book. During the trials, Nineteen accused witches were hung at Gallows Hill, June 10th: Bridget Bishop was the first executed for witchcraft. July 19th: Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth Howe and Sarah Wildes. August 19th: George Burroughs, Martha Carrier, John Willard, George Jacobs, Sr., John Procter. September 22nd: Martha Corey, Mary Eastey, Ann Pudeator, Alice Parker, Mary Parker, Wilmott Redd, Margaret Scott, Samuel Wardwell. One accused witch/wizard was pressed to death on September 19th when he failed to plead guilty or non guilty, Giles Corey. Other accused witches that died in prison: Sarah Osborne, Roger Toothaker, Lyndia Dustin and, Ann Foster. As many as 13 others may have died. To determine if one was a witch they had test including, swimming test, prayer test, touch test, witch cakes, pricking and scratching test and many

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