Progress Note CC: "abdominal pain and blood in stool" HPI: Sakeenah is 14 years old African american girl, she comes to the University of Michigan Pediatric Gastroenterology clinic on 5/22/2018 complaining of abdominal pain. She is accompanied mom and dad today and she provides the interval medical history, She states that the pain started month ago, epigastric, and occasionally radiate to right side, described as squeezing or burning pain. She states that the pain is on/off, in scale of 7-8/10, occur more in the morning. The pain lasts few hours several time a day. She feels that "food sits in my stomach and doesn't digest." Sakeenah states that pain is worse when she eating a grassy food, she stop eating it for a while and the pain seems …show more content…
External ears, nose, and mouth appear normal in appearance, with moist mucous membranes. Neck is supple with trachea in midline. There is no cervical adenopathy noted. Chest: is clear to auscultation bilaterally. Heart: has regular rhythm and rate, with no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema of the extremities. Skin: is without lesions or rashes. Abdomen: soft, nondistended, with no hepatosplenomegaly or masses noted. The rectal exam showed no sacral dimples or tufts of hair, normal external rectal exam. Recommendation: 1-Start Miralax 17g mixed in 8oz water/juice. Take 2 times daily. Adjust the dose as needed, to achieve a pudding consistency stool. 2.Blood work today for celiac and iron studies due to the iron deficiency 3.refer to adolescent gynecology here for her heavy periods and to see if the low hemoglobin 4.Start iron supplement, 325mg, 3 times
Normocephalic atraumatic. Pupils equally round and reactive to light, extraocular motions intact. Oral cavity shows oropharynx clear but slightly dried mucosal membranes. TM (tympanic membranes) clear. Neck, supple. There is no thyromegaly, no JVD. No cervical supraclavicular, axillary, or inguinal lymphadenopathy.
Abdomen: The lipases appeared unremarkable. The liver, spleen, gallbladder adrenals, kidneys, pancreas and abdominal aorta appeared unremarkable. The bowels seen on the study appeared thickened. Dilated appendix seemed consistent with acute appendicitis. All the structures of the abdomen appeared unremarkable. No free air was seen.
Diagnostic Studies: Flat plate and upright films of the abdomen revealed a localized abnormal gas pattern in the right lower quadrant with no evidence of free air.
Mindy Perkins is 48 year old woman who presents to the ED with 10- 15 loose, liquid stools daily for the past 2 days. She completed a course of oral Amoxicillin seven days ago for a dental infection. In addition to loose stools, she complains of lower abdominal pain that began 2 days ago as well. She has not noted any blood in the stool. She denies vomiting, fever, or chills. She is on Prednisone for Crohn’s disease as well as Pantoprazole (Protonix) for severe GERD.
History of Present Illness: The patient is a 27-year-old male complaining of right lower-quadrant abdominal pain, nausea, and
Her hematocrit levels could be low, along with her red blood cells being pale and immature because she isn’t getting the proper nutrition, and her over
Physical examination today reveals a weight of 6.8 kg, between the 15th and 50th percentile, a length of 64.5 cm, between the 15th and 50th percentile, and a head circumference of 41.7 cm, between the 15th and 50th percentile. Heart sounds were normal and the chest was clear. The remainder of the general physical examination was unremarkable. Neurologically, tone and deep tendon reflexes were
Cardiovascular Assessment: No visible pulsations, no heaves or lifts. Apical pulse present in the fifth intercostal space at the left midclavicular line. Auscultation of apical rate 62 beats per minute, normal rhythm regular S1 - S2 heart sounds present. Pulsations present when supine and disappear at a 45 degree angle position. Extremities are brown color without redness, cyanosis, lesions or varicosities bilaterally. Temperature warm bilaterally, Allen test was negative. Homan’s sign negative. Carotids: +2 and present bilaterally. Right Radial +2, left radial +1 , Right Brachial: +2
The patient complained of right lower quadrant pain and of feeling faint. Dr. O'Donnel documented a chief complaint, a brief history of present illness, and a systemic review of the gastrointestinal system and respiratory system. Dr. O'Donnel also documented a complete examination of all body systems, which included all required elements. Medical decision making was of moderate complexity.
No history of skin disease. Skin is pink, dry, and void of bruising, rashes, or lesions. No recent hair loss; head is normocephalic. Pupils equally reactive to light; no history of glaucoma or cataracts. Ears are in normal alignment; no history of chronic infections, hearing loss, tinnitus, or discharge. Nose and sinus history includes clear nasal discharge “since last October”, and occasional nose bleeds; states she use to get nose bleeds often as a child. Mouth and throat are absent of lesions; no bleeding gums, sore throat, dysphagia, hoarseness, or altered taste. Neck is void of pain, swelling,
Thus allowing me to form a differential diagnosis and rule out certain causes, such as; constipation, and indigestion. Subsequently, the physical examination enabled me to confirm a diagnosis of acute abdomen. As the patient was not experiencing any worrying (red flag) symptoms associated with abdominal emergencies, such as; appendicitis or pancreatitis. However, I did forget certain aspects of the physical examination and had to be prompted by the MO. Although with more practice such incidence would be reduced.
Blue or patchy (mottled) skin color, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing (signs of immature lungs or heart failure)
ABDOMEN: The lung basis appeared unremarkable. The liver, spleen, gallbladder, adrenals, kidneys and pancreas and abdominal aorta appeared unremarkable. The bowels seen on the study appeared thickened. Dilated appendix seen constant with acute appendicitis. Osseous structures of the abdomen appeared unremarkable. No free air was seen.
This condition is distinguished by a mass of glandular tissue that measures approximately 0.5 cm in diameter with glandular