
Sainsbury's Protectionism: Impact Of The Global Market

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Protectionism is one of the potential impacts of the global market towards Sainsbury’s. Protectionism has defines about government actions and policies that control international trade, it has resulted that it often protect local businesses and job opportunities from foreign competition. The main aim of protectionism is to make local organizations and manufacturers to be more competitive by raising the price of the quantity of imports, limit importation entering into United Kingdom or promote exports to the citizens by putting up barriers to trade. The advantage of protectionism is it can keep the domestic economy of United Kingdom flowing as there is a decrease in imports. (Aleconomics, 2009) Therefore Sainsbury’s are able to produce more …show more content…

It happens between foreign and larger economies that enter into an economy by selling their products at a lower price than the cost of production in order to force rival organizations in United Kingdom out of the business. This will result customers of that particular economy will be purchasing more than customers in overseas. For instance, protectionism will prevent Sainsbury’s of using dumping to take over the business lead by selling their price lesser than it cost in order to force other organizations in United Kingdom out of the business. Furthermore, protectionism protects unemployment which is an advantage towards company and country. When there is a cheaper import, people may not purchase the products that is made in their country, this may lead local manufacturers and industries to decrease their production as the demand of the customers have decreased therefore it will leads to workers becoming inessential which cause unemployment increase and industries shutting down. For instance, Sainsbury’s may result to shutting down without protectionism as when there is cheaper import, customers may not want to purchase to products offered by Sainsbury’s therefore it will lead to employees of Sainsbury’s unneeded and shutting down their

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