
Safety Recovery Plans, And Redundant Systems Essay

Decent Essays

Backups, Disaster Recovery Plans, and Redundant Systems - Lucas Borza Today’s technology systems are always working to support the modern world. Redundancy is key when it comes to backups, recovery plans, and other systems. Every aspect of technology has some kind of backup to hold or store your information even if you’re not even aware of the processes that takes place. The first step in backing up your data is to have a plan. Businesses today require reliable networks for access and connectivity to their resources. Technology isn’t known to be reliable but it is necessary to always be prepared and have a plan of action. Backups Backing up refers to copying information to a secondary source in case of a failure or other kind of error. The process of having a backup system can be essential to a successful system. There can be countless reasons to back up your information such as theft, failure, or you need a document that was on an older device. You should always have a secure and up to date backup of your documents. Larger systems that businesses use back up their information frequently to prevent any loss. The process is administered by predefined backup policies that tell how frequent the data is backed up and how many copies are made of the data. You can have your data backed up locally or cloud based online. Disaster Recovery Plans A disaster recovery plan is by definition a documented process or set of procedures to recover and protect a business IT

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