
Safeguarding in Health and Social Care Essay

Decent Essays

Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

Under the Health and Social Care Act (2008), abuse is defined as:

“Single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress including physical, emotional, verbal, financial, sexual, racial abuse, neglect and abuse through misapplication of drugs.”

Abuse can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. However, it is so alarming that more and more elderly people suffer from abuse everyday. Many elderly adults are being abused in their homes and even in care facilities such as nursing homes responsible for their care. How can elderly groups be vulnerable to abuse and/or harm to self and others? And …show more content…

This service user must also not be discriminated in spite of the condition. she has rights and deserves some respect and humane treatment. Article 14 of Human Rights Act of 2008 states that “everyone has the right to be treated fairly regardless of gender, race, religion, sex, age, political views, disability or anything else” (Ministry of Justice, 2008). But if the care provider doesn't know how to respect these rights, then he/she is likely to abuse the client.

1.2There are other risk factors that may lead to incidence of abuse or harm to self and others. Lack of appropriate training and supervision can put not only the client at risk for physical injury but the carer as well. As for Mrs. M, she needs careful moving and handling method and appropriate equipment to avoid non-accidental use of force in turning her. Moreover, lack of staffs and poor working conditions can put the carer and client at risk for abuse as well. Mrs. M being attended by only one carer is not a good practice and must not accepted in the home and tolerated by the service user. This is always the norm in most care home who do not have enough resources especially staff due to lack of funds of qualified staff . Assessing and reviewing the risk involved in moving and handling the service user it is recommended that the service user will need two staffs to assist her in feeding and moving, otherwise she will be left hurting and bruised from rough handling and risk of fall.

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