safe guarding | | Physical abuseSexual abuseEmotional abusePsychological abuseFinancial abuseInstitutional abuseSelf-neglectNeglect by others | Information Booklet | | | By Donna Davis | | | | | | | | | | | | | Physical Abuse Physical abuse is any intentional and unwanted contact with you or something close to your body. Sometimes abusive behaviour does not cause pain or leave bruises but it 's still unhealthy. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse refers to any action that pressures or coerces someone to do something sexually they don 't want to do. It can also refer to behaviour that impacts a person 's ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity …show more content…
Identify The Signs Physical; * Multiple bruising * Fractures * Burns * Bed sores * Fear * Depression * Unexplained weight loss Sexual; * Loss of sleep * Unexpected or unexplained change in behaviour * Bruising * Soreness around the genitals * Torn, stained or bloody underwear * A preoccupation with anything sexual * Sexually transmitted diseases * Pregnancy Emotional/Psychological; * Fear * Depression * Confusion * Loss of sleep * Unexpected or unexplained change in behaviour Financial; * Unexplained withdrawals from the bank * Unusual activity in the bank accounts * Unpaid bills * Unexplained shortage of money * Reluctance on the part of the person with responsibility for the funds to provide basic food and clothes. Institutional; * Inflexible and non-negotiable systems and routines * Lack of consideration of dietary requirements * Name calling; inappropriate ways of addressing people * Lack of adequate physical care Neglect/Self Neglect; * Malnutrition * Untreated medical problems * Bed sores * Confusion * Over-sedation If you suspect an individual is being abused; Ensure safety of person first, seek medical treatment if required. Contact the police if a crime has been committed, do not disturb and evidence. Inform your line
The meaning of physical abuse is when one person is being physical to the intended victim that leads to “bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment” (Duggleby, 2014, pg. 385).
Physical abuse is typically described as the use of physical force against another person that may in turn cause injury, pain or impairment. This type of abuse could be perform with or without an object.
Sexual abuse can be defined as an unwanted sexual act that has been forced on a
Abuse and violence can take lots of different forms. Physical abuse is where someone is physically injured by someone else. Sexual abuse involves someone being made or forced to do any kind of sexual activity. I am choosing these two types of abuse to write about the immediate and long term effects.
Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm..
Physical abuse involves the use of force by pinching, punching, slapping, scalding, hitting, kicking, burning or misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions. It is a form of physical attack on an individual, it can also be a intentional neglect to prevent physical injury.
Sexual abuse - Unwanted advances, indecent exposure or harassment, rough washing or touching of the genital area, rape, being forced to watch or participate in sexual acts.
Physical abuse - This is use of physical force that can result in injury. This could be due to being slapped, punched, kicked, scratched, biting, and strangling.
Sexual abuse is, also referred to as molestation, it is usually undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another. When force is immediate, of short duration, or infrequent, it is called sexual assault. This does not have to include touching the genitalia, it can also be non-touching activities such as making either a child or an adult watch pornography or taking photos of them whilst naked without their consent. Examples of sexual abuse are involving touching part of the genitals against their will. Also it can be forcing them to expose their body parts when they don’t want to.
Physical: Physical abuse is deliberate physical force that may result in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. Both old and young people can be physically abused.
Physical abuse – involves causing deliberate physical harm to a child and may include burning, drowning, hitting, poisoning, scalding, shaking, suffocating or throwing. Physical abuse also includes deliberately causing, or fabricating the symptoms of, ill health in a child.
Physical Abuse- physical abuse is when service users are being physically touched in an inappropriate way, shape or form; this could differ from hitting with the hands, kicking with the feet, spitting, biting, scratching etc.…. this could be carried out by
Physical abuse is any non-accidental physical injury to a child. Physical abuse is an injury that results from physical aggression.
Physical abuse includes the smashing of furniture and personal belongings, being pushed or shoved, being held against your will,
Physical abuse is any form of unwanted contact towards you/ your body. for example kicking, punching, scratching. Those are examples of physical abuse anything that causes harm to your body physically.