
Safebuilt Scholarship Essay

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The SAFEbuilt scholarship provides an amazing opportunity for students to receive some financial assistance when picking and attending a college. While this scholarship can benefit many students and while many students are good candidates, I believe I would be an excellent one. I feel that I should receive the scholarship because I have worked incredibly hard to get where I am today, both academically and socially. With the help of my peers, teachers, and family, I have developed into a hardworking and dedicated student. I want to be the best person I can be and constantly push myself to achieve more. As a person, I work to be someone that can also help others become better versions of themselves. I believe that I should receive this scholarship …show more content…

When I was in elementary school, my teacher had me evaluated for a few issues, including speech. It was discovered that I had a speech impediment, so I was put into speech therapy and given an individualized education program, or an IEP. Once a week I would meet with a therapist during school for an hour session. There, I learned about how a body speaks, why I stuttered, and how to overcome my stutter. I practiced breathing exercises, tapping, enunciating skills, and general reading ability. I actually loved speech therapy because it finally helped me with talking. I would stutter when I was nervous, scared, or excited. The excitement part was the worst, because I just had so many things I wanted to say but I couldn’t get them out. I used to get so frustrated because people would always try to finish my sentences and I felt like no one understood what I was saying. My stutter impacted my schooling too. I was often very scared to talk out or participate vocally in school, so I didn’t. While I was a decent student, I could have been better if I was more confident with myself. I was on an IEP all the way through the end of eighth grade. Throughout that time, I improved so much. At the end of eighth grade, I ended my IEP and went to highschool. My speech therapy and Northglenn’s PBL curriculum allowed me to become a decent public speaker and someone who wasn’t ashamed of herself. I am always going to have a slight stutter and I

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