
Safe Spaces In College

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When I read the assignment, tons of different social problems came to mind. I thought about which topic I should choose, so in spirit of college, I chose “Safe Spaces”. In the United States, safe spaces were originated in 1989 by the “Gay and Lesbian Urban Explorers”. They had events which included diversity-training sessions and anti homophobia workshops. Safe spaces have since become a college based place or environment where a group of people (mostly minorities) can feel safe from discrimination or harsh words.
The pros of such an idea are pretty self explanatory; a place for people to get together and not feel judged. However, the cons seem to far outway that concept. Teaching college aged kids that words have so much meaning, that they must be protected from harsh statements. Showing these students that they should take everything to heart and …show more content…

I’m 100% percent against bullying. However, just because something is said that isn’t politically correct or is somewhat offensive, doesn't make it bullying. Everyone is allowed to their own opinion. That’s the beauty of America. Isn’t that a huge part of college? Developing ideas and learning how to defend them. We no longer can have conversations or debates. Safe spaces have declared such things, hateful and possibly even aggressive.

So here's an idea. Instead of investing time, money and effort into “Safe Spaces”, why don’t we invest in our students in a productive way. Teach students how to be proud of who they are no matter their identity. Teach them how to defend their ideas and carry intelligible conversation with their peers. Why are we coddling young adults and not teaching them how to excel and mature and intelligent members of society? Instead of secluding them from the world as if their these delicate and breakable, let's teach how to be strong and independent adults. The future is us, let’s build a great

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