When I read the assignment, tons of different social problems came to mind. I thought about which topic I should choose, so in spirit of college, I chose “Safe Spaces”. In the United States, safe spaces were originated in 1989 by the “Gay and Lesbian Urban Explorers”. They had events which included diversity-training sessions and anti homophobia workshops. Safe spaces have since become a college based place or environment where a group of people (mostly minorities) can feel safe from discrimination or harsh words.
The pros of such an idea are pretty self explanatory; a place for people to get together and not feel judged. However, the cons seem to far outway that concept. Teaching college aged kids that words have so much meaning, that they must be protected from harsh statements. Showing these students that they should take everything to heart and
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I’m 100% percent against bullying. However, just because something is said that isn’t politically correct or is somewhat offensive, doesn't make it bullying. Everyone is allowed to their own opinion. That’s the beauty of America. Isn’t that a huge part of college? Developing ideas and learning how to defend them. We no longer can have conversations or debates. Safe spaces have declared such things, hateful and possibly even aggressive.
So here's an idea. Instead of investing time, money and effort into “Safe Spaces”, why don’t we invest in our students in a productive way. Teach students how to be proud of who they are no matter their identity. Teach them how to defend their ideas and carry intelligible conversation with their peers. Why are we coddling young adults and not teaching them how to excel and mature and intelligent members of society? Instead of secluding them from the world as if their these delicate and breakable, let's teach how to be strong and independent adults. The future is us, let’s build a great
Bullying is very bad and because of this about 160,000 of 13,000,000 kids stay home so they don’t get bullied by anyone. Also out of that 13 million 2,000 commit suicide because of the harsh bullying. Since many kids around the world are being bullied schools have been starting an anti-bullying system which brings bullies down by 15%. When kids reported bullying 80% of it is name calling, 39% is hitting or shoving, 38% is threats, 29% is rumor spreading, etc. Everyone should always remember one rule and that is the golden rule, the golden rule is to treat others how they want to be treated, but some bullies just don’t understand so they make everyone feel bad about themselves.
Altogether bullying is not nice and shouldn't happen in any schools, and we must put a stop to it.
Students everywhere are becoming more sensitive towards ideas that might hurt their feelings. This article really focuses on microaggressions and how these words or phrases have no malicious intent, but are still looked at by some students as offensive. It also looks at how students have a right to not be offended, and how this is having a negative outcome. When colleges try to adjust and make everyone happy so that no students get offended, they run into many problems like students being unable to have genuine discussions. There is also a negative outcome for students as well. Students who are protected will not be ready for the real world. The article also discusses trigger warnings and how they can become damaging to the brain, and are psychologically negative in the way students are using or avoiding them. “The Coddling of the American Mind”, shows how and why coddling college students has a negative impact on their education and mental
According to Patricia Hill Collins in “The Power of Self-Definition,” creating a safe space is important part of empowerment because:
The purpose of my research is to explore and offer analysis of the controversy over the use of trigger warnings and safe spaces on college campuses, in order to understand when, where, and most importantly, regarding what subjects their use is appropriate.
In the 1950’s Arthur Miller wrote a play, The Crucible, and set it in Salem during early colonization. In The Crucible, John Proctor has an affair with a young woman named Abigail Williams. However, John decides it is time to end things with Abigail, because of this she seeks revenge and spirals the town into madness in search of a “witch”. In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter , minister, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Hester Prynne a young widow have a love affair and Hester becomes pregnant. Hester is forced to wear a red “A” on the front of her dress. Hester’s “dead” husband reappears and is set on finding out who Pearl’s father is. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter share similar themes about internal conflict.
EGALE Canada Human Rights Trust, is Canada’s only national charity that advocates LGBT human rights in Canada. EGALE released in 2011 the First Report on the National Climate Survey on homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in Canadian schools, that assessed the opinions of 3700 students (LGBT and non-LGBT) all over Canada (Taylor et al. 2011). The survey began in 2007 and concluded in 2009 (Taylor et al. 2011). The report’s results proved that the two most unsafe spaces for LGBT students were physical education change rooms and washrooms (Taylor et al. 2011). In fact, 43% of LGBT students thought their school washrooms were unsafe, 41% of students with LGBT parents thought the washrooms at their schools were unsafe and 28% of Non-LGBT students agreed (Taylor et al. 2011).
Online Bullying or even face to face bullying has been around for a long time. No matter what people try to do it won’t just away, this why i think that schools shouldn’t limit students online speech.The First Amendment states that we have the “freedom of speech” and schools need to respect and protect that right. Also, why should it matter what people say online or face to face? If it's not during school hours it’s not their concern.
Sally attended Joliet Junior College and took a general psychology class. One day when she attended her psychology class, her professor warned students of a topic that there were going to talk about in class which was how abuse can damage an individual’s mental state. Sally has been through abuse in her past and is uncomfortable with that certain topic, so she left class because she was alerted to the topic. Ultimately, she didn’t want to revisit her past of abuse. This is considered a trigger warning, in which professors give a warning about topics that they will discuss that can lead to some sort of discomfort for students. Trigger warnings are used on campuses that are considered a safe space. The term safe space is defined as an environment where students can feel like themselves and are not exposed to any harm physically or mentally (Google). Various of colleges/universities have safe spaces so that their students don’t have to go through discrimination of sorts or any harm. Safe spaces are good for students, but there are negative outcomes from it, such as it doesn’t let individuals who suffer and have trauma cope with what happened to them. Even though are negative outcomes from safe spaces, there are positive results that impact Millennials such as a decrease in anxiety and prevention of hate speech.
Does safe spaces at universities make for a better experience for minorities like blacks, LGBTQ, or anyone that’s not heterosexual white males. Safe spaces are places where anyone can relax and freely express themselves without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe. University of Chicago in the class 2020 received a letter explicitly stating that they support academic freedom which in terms that they do not support “trigger warnings,” and even went as far to say that they don't condone the creation of “intellectual safe spaces.” In response to this letter sent out to the class of 2020 regarding safe spaces Cameron Okeke wrote the article “I’m a black UChicago graduate. Safe spaces got me through college,” arguing that
Savannah Duvio Mrs. Knox DR English 1010 / 2nd hour 21 February 24 1999 The Matrix - Cultural & Film Review For years now, Hollywood has used many techniques in order to create some of society’s greatest movies. By using Carl Jung’s archetypes, Hollywood producers set the stage with new storylines with traditional characters. In the 1999 film, The Matrix, Hollywood writers revive Jung’s archetypes in order to introduce the audience to Neo, the main protagonist, as a superior yet “everyman” hero.
Bullying can be describes as an aggressive behavior from an individual that feels the need to overpower, and control others, whether physically or mentally. The term “bullying” is thrown around a bit excessively these days that we go to extremes when we hear the word, we either ignore it completely or we go off the handle and want to stamp everyone as a bully. As a society we have become desensitized to term while at the same time trying to stay politically correct, in other words we tend to look the other way, but when approached by others about it we try to save face. At times we even try to avoid explaining Darwins Theory of Evolution or in other words “natural selection” and label it as bullying. At the end of the day we need to address
School should be a community that is warm, respectful, and open. Students spend approximately 30 hours a week in the classroom and it is imperative they are able to
Unsafe learning environments create a climate of fear and insecurity and a perception and this reduces the quality of education for all students.
The topic of contention here is whether or not mobile phones be allowed in school and I oppose the motion thereby stating that mobile phones should not be allowed in schools.