
Sacrifice In Barbara Kingsolver's Poisonwood Bible

Decent Essays

Orleanna Price’s Sacrifice

Everyday we all make sacrifices for people we love and in rare cases those we do not. The book Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver illuminates one family and the sacrifice they make to journey from their comfortable home in Georgia to the untamed jungle of Africa’s Congo to preach as Baptist missionaries. The story takes place in the 1960s during the withdrawal of Belgian influence in the Congo. One of the family members Orleanna Price the wife and mother of the family sacrifices everything she has to make this journey that her husband so willfully accepted. Through her sacrifice it shows us what she values. This is shown through the sacrifice of her agency, way of life and her happiness.
When Orleanna’s husband decides to take his family and mission to the Belgian Congo Orleanna loses her agency. She is no longer able to choose what she wants or what she can do for this all goes to her …show more content…

When her family moves to Africa she sacrifices her ability to be happy. She has to work all day making sure her family is provided for and that everyone is satisfied. She does not have the time to sit down and relax she always has something requiring her attention or help. “Yet, for all her slaving over a hot stove, Father hardly notices she’d won over the crowd.”(49) Orleanna has just prepared and cooked fried chicken for the entire village and Nathan does not even thank her or seen all the hard work she does to make his life easier. Although Orleanna sacrifices her happiness she is making her family happy by making life for them better. This shows that she values selflessness. She is willing to give up her happiness to see others happy. This is very important because without her selflessness there would have been a very different outcome of the book that would have been very hard on the rest of the family. Orleanna’s willingness to serve is what makes the journey in Africa

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