
Sacrifice: An Analysis Of Meeker's 'Momma'

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A Mother’s Sacrifice:
An Analysis of Meeker’s “Momma” In “Momma” by Chrystal Meeker, the speaker offers a glimpse into the poverty stricken life of a struggling mother and her children. In this poem, the youngest daughter looks back on her childhood and reflects on her mother’s selflessness and willingness to put her children’s needs ahead of her own and the fact that her mother’s sacrifice often goes unnoticed. Meeker begins the poem by illustrating a typical mother-daughter argument that many mothers and daughters experience throughout the child’s teenage years. She describes “Constant defiance in the spirit of personal conviction/ cleft a schism between my mother and sister. / They clawed their womanhoods out of each other/ by handfuls of hair and heart. / Battle-weary and scarred as they were, / a sameness spurred them on toward empathy.” (lines 1-6). These lines illustrate the strained, yet strong and understanding, relationship between the oldest daughter, Kayla, and her mother. Kayla is not aware that her mother is sacrificing for the family, rather she believes that her mother is mad at her and that she has done something terribly wrong, “and it made Kayla afraid to ask what she’d …show more content…

Kayla admits the secret to her younger sister, the narrator, after she has had a fight with her mother. Upon hearing of the sacrifice her mother had made she “hugged [my] momma for all that I’d done wrong.” (line 42). This shows how grateful that the speaker is to her mother for caring for her and her siblings through the

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