
SPD Tigard Worker: Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Ms Virginia returned my call. She wanted to place a discrimination complaint against a SPD Tigard worker. She stated that she went to the SPD Tigard office on Monday 10-31-16. She asked to the receptionist to please give a form because she needs to reapply for her SNAP. The worker was identified as being Maria Shoop, she is the receptionist. Virginia stated that she disclosed to Maria that she is a disable person and needs the form as it is more convenient for her due to her disability. Maria had told her, she does not have one, just on her appointment day, ask her worker. Her worker will fill it out on the computer and will hand it to her for her signature. Virginia stated that she reiterated five times to Maria that because her disability, she needs to fill the form out in advance. She said had stroke. After five times she asked, Virginia decided to leave without the form. …show more content…

She believes that Robert emailed Maria because Maria showed up right away at the Robert office. Maria denied what happened the day before and Robert believed Maria. She felt that his rights were violated, first when she asked for the form; and second when her words were questioned and then ignored. Robert could not finish the recertification because she did not have the form, so her appointment had to be rescheduled for Thursday, 11/10/16. I asked her if this would not be considered a customer services issue instead. She said no, this is a discrimination, she said based on the ADA, his rights were violated as she is disable and the worker refused to provide her request. She reiterated that she wants to file a discrimination compliant against a state employee. I informed her that I am going to mail her the Customer Service/Privacy Complaint or Report of Discrimination for and will staff with my co-worker her

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