Fires burn till the end of the fight Cast of characters Ryea Rouge Grace Rose Ryea has messy, black-dyed hair (it is really brown) that is always swept into a braid, she has freckles peppered across her beautiful pale skin, and her ever-changing color eyes are very cool. She is usually happy or at least pretends to be, only her closest friends can really tell. When Ryea was in 4th grade she was stolen from the Kahrye village and forced into the harsh school where you are trained as guard, watcher, combat trainer, emperor, etc. Ryea was chosen as a watcher 2. Yalena yula py´a young Yalena's hair is mid length dirty blonde and always tied up in a ponytail, she has freckles all across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, …show more content…
Darrell delirious madge daniel (Lea’s 4th cousin) Darrell has beautifully tanned skin, rustic brown-reddish (bronze) hair, forest green-brown eyes, and a flirtatiously great smile. He is very open, flirtatious, enjoys pranks, is somewhat a bad boy, and is loyal. He works with Lea in the V.U.S. and has a crush on Ryea, Yalena, and Ember. He says he likes Ryea because she respects others and he thinks her appearance is awesome (okay, I lied really really awesome), he likes Yalena because she is very into pranks and he loves the smell of her hair and she is pretty, and he likes Ember because she has so much fire, is funny, loves to have a good time, but is still sensitive, he also thinks she is gorgeous and loves her eyes. Blurb: In amidst, Semias and Ember’s fight to figure out who they run into a problem. No, many problems. One of which involves their best friends, Yalena and Ryea. Semias and Ember both know they are essential to something. But, whether it be the race of humanity or a plan to freedom they do not know. Together, Semias and Ember have to figure it all on their own. Oh, one last thing their identities (except for names) and childhood memories are stolen. 1.Semias Sahrye Finland Seriah …show more content…
I pushed through the doors bumping into Yalena. I hit her hard and we tumble down the hill. “Hey wha- WAIT FOR ME er- US!!” Yelled Ryea and Ember. Yalena's hair was tangled in my fingers and the grass and twigs did not make tumbling down the hill any better. Oh what were we going to do? I leaned in closer to Yalena and whispered, okay I shouted through the tumbles. “I’m. G-going. To st-op. U-us.” I say through the rustles. She replied almost instantly. “O-ow! Oh-K-kay.” I pressed her against me so she would not feel the impact and jammed my feet into the ground. I pushed at the sloping hill with all my force and I could feel the crumbling ground becoming fickle under my feet. There wasn't much time and soon we would fall off the cliff and we would be- Yalena felt the need to poke me in the stomach and I raised my hands with a
The story of Sarah touched the lives of many characters in the book “Sarah’s Key” by Tatiana De Rosnay. Sarah had such a profound impact on every character in the book, whether it is the scarring and unforgettable memories they have of her or new information they have gathered from the past. Julia invested her entire life into finding out more about Sarah, her life, and what happened to her after a daring escape from a concentration camp. She sacrificed her marriage and many personal relationships because she cared so deeply and passionately about Sarah and what had happened to her. Julia blocked out all of the negative opinions and people telling her to stop and worked nonstop to learn the truth, to never close her eyes on the past. The brutal past of Sarah left a
Graceling by Kristin Cashore is about a 18 year old super powered assassin. In the book Cashore displays Katsa’s struggles to perceive her own identity. The narrator states “She knew her nature. She would recognize it if she came face-to-face with it. It would be a blue-eyed, green-eyed monster, wolflike and snarling. A vicious beast that struck out at friends in uncontrollable anger, and killer that offered itself as the vessel of the king's fury. (Cashore pg.137).” This quotes shows that she thinks of herself as a monster that is merely a weapon for Randa. “A sound from the inside reminded her how much the court would talk if she were found wading, barefoot and wild haired, in King Randa's fountain. They would think her mad. And perhaps
The play Fences is about a family living in the late 1950s-1965. Troy is a garbage truck driver his wife is Rose. I see Rose Maxson as a strong character because she defends the people she cares about and she doesn’t allow Troy to control her or alter her beliefs. Rose is a caring Mother to Cory and demonstrates she loves him very much. She also cares for Lyons who she did not birth, but she considers him family would consider family.
In Chapter 10, we can see that Lily is starting to become enmeshed in the Boatwright’s family and culture, as a result of the very traumatic events that unfold. To begin with, during the night when Lily is sleeping, she wakes up with a start, thinking about May. She first thought about how she had died, but then thought about all the good memories she had of May like she had known her for the majority of her life. On page 199 it says "I closed my eyes, all the best pictures of her came to me. I saw her corkscrew braids glistening in the sprinkler, her fingers arranging the graham-cracker crumbs working so hard on behalf of a single roach's life." This indicates that Lily felt like family to May and that she knew May and what type of person
“It’s a dirty business, you’re right. That’s why we women shouldn’t get involved” (Alvarez 44). In this quote Patria is trying to explain to Minerva that she shouldn’t get caught up in worrying about all of the government politics that are currently occurring about women. Minerva ends up arguing back explaining why she wants to “fight” back. She wants there to be equality or women of the future. Specifically she says, "women had to come out of the dark ages". Minerva wants women to be able to do what they would like to do, when and how they would like to without having to consult with their husband or a male. She wants them to have freedom and be able to do reasonable things on their own.
Apple acts courageously as it releases the new iPhone 7 that lacks the traditional headphone jack. Executives at Apple say that they designed the phone knowing it would be a failure, but did so because it was time. Apple was motivated not by hope for success, but by desire to propel the technological community into the next phase of progress, and the renowned company did so at their own financial expense. Similarly, Harper Lee uses the characters in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird to demonstrate her definition of courage. Lee uses varying situations and an onslaught of characters to reiterate her perspective and define courage as the execution of an ill-fated action.
This quote shows how confident Janie is with her appearance. She believes she was a beautiful woman. The reader can see that this phrase has a deeper meaning of how Janie feels toward her character.
Courage is the ability for standing up for someone with strength and helping people when no one will. Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of thunder, Cassie faces discrimination she shows courage for standing up for blacks rights. Her family and all African Americans are treated unfairly because of the color of their skin. She stands up for her convictions and doesn’t change her convictions. She showed courage when she stood up to Mrs. Crocker, Lillian Jean, and Mr. Barnett at the mercantile. She had a lot of things that she didn’t understand at the time.
Sarah's Key Essay topic 4 In the novel Sarah's Key written by Tatiana De Rosnay there is a lot of different felling toward the word 'home'. Both Sarah and Julia have feelings of what and where the word home is. Julia was born in America, and has lived in Paris, France for the past 25 years. She has been considered an outsider for all of this time.
Frank’s two biggest enemies that he faces throughout his life are the struggles of rising up from poverty and getting out of Ireland. After much work and determination, Frank was able to overcome these problems and become successful in defeating these enemies.
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a fictional novel that was published in the 1960’s. It tells the tale of a young girl named Scout, and her family who live in Alabama in the 1930’s where blacks still do not have equal rights. A black man is on trial for the supposed rape of a young lady, Mayella Ewell, and one courageous lawyer, Atticus Finch, the father of Scout, decides to prove his innocence even though the odds are stacked against him. In the novel courage is defined by a quote that states, “It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyways and you see it through no matter what…” (Lee, 149).
Winston Churchill once said, "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." In the novel Catherine Called Birdy, by Karen Cushman, the main character Catherine is a fourteen year old girl and daughter to a baron in medieval England. The story tells the tale of Catherine's difficult life where she is abused by her parents. In many ways Catherine shows determination especially in her fight against her parents and her arranged marriage, during lady-lessons, and dealing with her father. As in the words of Winston Churchill, Catherine shows courage for standing up for what she believes in but she also shows knows when to listen to her parents.
Chapter 1: Guardian Of A Mortal (How shameful) Sheng Fei thought as he was clutching his stomach. (To think a warrior like me will die because of poison!) "BLEGH" Blood came spilling out of his mouth and on to his bed. “This is why I never drank liquor.
“Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway...” This quote among others show lessons and themes that the children learn over the course of the book. Honor and courage are the strongest themes in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and in the book, Atticus Finch shows how these characteristics can affect someone’s life.
Wanting to leave, posthaste, I stood to say my goodbyes, but my knees buckled, unable to sustain my full weight. The room, the maid, and Mrs. Winnaford were spinning. As I tried in vain to focus, two of everything swirled and exchanged positions in front of me. Reaching for something to hold on to, I