
Ryea Gcse Grace Rose Chapter Quotes

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Fires burn till the end of the fight Cast of characters Ryea Rouge Grace Rose Ryea has messy, black-dyed hair (it is really brown) that is always swept into a braid, she has freckles peppered across her beautiful pale skin, and her ever-changing color eyes are very cool. She is usually happy or at least pretends to be, only her closest friends can really tell. When Ryea was in 4th grade she was stolen from the Kahrye village and forced into the harsh school where you are trained as guard, watcher, combat trainer, emperor, etc. Ryea was chosen as a watcher 2. Yalena yula py´a young Yalena's hair is mid length dirty blonde and always tied up in a ponytail, she has freckles all across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, …show more content…

Darrell delirious madge daniel (Lea’s 4th cousin) Darrell has beautifully tanned skin, rustic brown-reddish (bronze) hair, forest green-brown eyes, and a flirtatiously great smile. He is very open, flirtatious, enjoys pranks, is somewhat a bad boy, and is loyal. He works with Lea in the V.U.S. and has a crush on Ryea, Yalena, and Ember. He says he likes Ryea because she respects others and he thinks her appearance is awesome (okay, I lied really really awesome), he likes Yalena because she is very into pranks and he loves the smell of her hair and she is pretty, and he likes Ember because she has so much fire, is funny, loves to have a good time, but is still sensitive, he also thinks she is gorgeous and loves her eyes. Blurb: In amidst, Semias and Ember’s fight to figure out who they run into a problem. No, many problems. One of which involves their best friends, Yalena and Ryea. Semias and Ember both know they are essential to something. But, whether it be the race of humanity or a plan to freedom they do not know. Together, Semias and Ember have to figure it all on their own. Oh, one last thing their identities (except for names) and childhood memories are stolen. 1.Semias Sahrye Finland Seriah …show more content…

I pushed through the doors bumping into Yalena. I hit her hard and we tumble down the hill. “Hey wha- WAIT FOR ME er- US!!” Yelled Ryea and Ember. Yalena's hair was tangled in my fingers and the grass and twigs did not make tumbling down the hill any better. Oh what were we going to do? I leaned in closer to Yalena and whispered, okay I shouted through the tumbles. “I’m. G-going. To st-op. U-us.” I say through the rustles. She replied almost instantly. “O-ow! Oh-K-kay.” I pressed her against me so she would not feel the impact and jammed my feet into the ground. I pushed at the sloping hill with all my force and I could feel the crumbling ground becoming fickle under my feet. There wasn't much time and soon we would fall off the cliff and we would be- Yalena felt the need to poke me in the stomach and I raised my hands with a

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