Title: Reaction of Iodoethane with Sodium Saccharin- Ambient Nucleophile
Dates Performed: February 21 + 28, 2013
Date Submitted: March 14, 2013
The product ratio of N-ethylsaccharin to O-ethylsaccharin that occurred due to alkylation with iodoethane at 80 oC was determined to be 81.5% to 18.5%, respectively, based on an analysis of the 1H NMR spectrum that was collected. The melting point range of 87.8-94.7 oC also indicated that the mixture was largely composed of N-ethylsaccharin. The more prevalent product structure is:
N-ethylsaccharin product O-ethylsaccharin product
Experimental Procedure:
Sodium saccharin
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N- saccharin is more stable than O-saccharin, so it should be the major product of the reaction, if not the only product, if the reaction reaches thermal equilibrium. A reaction involving the oxygen as the nucleophile should occur faster than one involving nitrogen because the oxygen is more electronegative. This electronegativity would attract the attack of the nucleophile more so than the Nitrogen atom would. Based on the 1H NMR spectrum that was collected, a few things can be determined. Based on deshielding and electronegativity, the peak that occurs around 4.7ppm is associated with the O-ethylsaccharin product and the peak at 3.8 ppm is associated with the N-ethylsaccharin product. Based on the height ration, the N-ethylsaccharin product is the more prevalent result. The solvent that was chosen for the experiment is a polar aprotic solvent that can be used to stabilize charge. This stabilization can also be used to stabilize an ionic transition state. This stabilization of the transition state along with the nature of the products based on the chemical properties would encourage the reaction to proceed toward the N-ethylsaccharin product. This product is more stable
The solution that was performed in this experiment was to use sulfuric acid in order to form a protonated alcohol, so when the halogen or nucleophile back attacks the compound, water is displaced. Once the alcohol is protonated, the solution reacts in either an SN1 or SN2 mechanism.
The oligosaccharides isolated from the cane refinery molasses and freshly harvested cane are not consistent (Table 2). This is because many factors influence the type of oligosaccharides that may be present in the molasses/fresh cane. However, the dominant oligosaccharides that have been isolated are the trisaccharides (1-kestose, 6-kestose, neo-kestose and
A cell, the building block of all living organisms, is composed of four fundamental biomolecules: proteins, carbohydrates, sugars and lipids. Proteins provide a vast amount of functions cells such as they serve as enzymes, provide structural support to cells, and act as antibodies. Reagents are used to spark a chemical reaction. The reagent used to detect protein traces in a substance is Biuret’s. Biuret’s will turn purple if proteins are present and blue if they are none. Biuret’s copper particles, have a charge of +2, are diminished to a charge of +1 when peptide bonds, which are in proteins, are present, creating the color change. Polysaccharides, which are carbohydrates, are most notably known to provide energy to the body, but they also help in breaking down fatty acids. Iodine is the reagent used to determine whether a substance has starch in it. The iodine/starch complex has energy levels that are only for retaining unmistakable light, giving the complex its extraordinarily dark black-blue shade. If there is no starch found, iodine will remain its natural yellowish-brownish color, but if starch is present, iodine will turn blue-black. Monosaccharides, which are sugars, like polysaccharides, provide the body with energy. To detect monosaccharides, the reagent, Benedict’s, is used. Benedict’s reagent is added to a test tube, then it is placed in
Six beakers were obtained and each labeled separately as yeast, glucose, sucrose, maltose, fructose, and pyruvate. First, the 5.4% w/v solution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast was created by measuring 5.4 grams of the yeast (obtained from Fleischmann's RapidRise highly active yeast) and adding it to 100 mL of distilled water in the beaker labeled yeast. Next, the 20% w/v solutions of each substrate were created. For glucose, 10 grams of glucose (obtained from VWR International /BDH, item # BDH0230) was measured and added to 50 mL of distilled water in the beaker labeled glucose. For sucrose, 10 grams of sucrose (obtained from Carolina Biological Supply Company, item # 89-2860) was measured and added to 50 mL of distilled water in the
Iodine 123 is a substance that is used to see where any thyroid tumours are in the body. Both thyroid cancer and thyroid tissue trap iodine. This helps us find where there is active thyroid cancer. This procedure is called a diagnostic thyroid cancer survey. If thyroid cancer is found during your survey, you may have it treated with a dose of a radioactive iodine called Iodine 131. This is called a therapeutic dose.
Morel du Boil (1985) conducted a study on the effect of oligosaccharides on the shape of the sucrose crystals. Sucrose crystals were grown in the presence of FOS and this led to c-axis crystal elongation of the sucrose crystals. To confirm the
Food and drink such as alcohol and bread rely on the process of alcoholic fermentation, so the most efficient substrate is an important factor for quick production of these products (Aidoo et al., 2006). For example, bread uses alcoholic fermentation to make the dough of the bread rise and alcohol is the main product of alcoholic fermentation. Based on the findings of this experiment, I would suggest using glucose before fructose as substrate for this process and sucrose before maltose based purely on their rates of fermentation. However, further testing should be done to test the rate of fermentation over a longer period of time as this experiment was completed after only twenty minutes of fermentation. It would also be interesting to test other effects of the substrates such as their effect on the taste of the products in the food industry which utilize alcoholic
To measure the extent of the reaction a UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to measure the amount of product, glucose and fructose, formed. This could be done because
In fermentation, NADH is oxidized to drive the reaction of fermentation to produce ethanol from acetylaldehyde . As byproducts, two molecules of ethanol, CO2, and ATP are produced. CO2 is a byproduct from the fermentation of yeast, which we can measure. We tested the effects of different incubation temperatures and alternative carbohydrate sources. For the alternative carbohydrate sources, we looked at the effects of different types of Carbohydrates on the volume of CO2 produced. We tested 10% solutions of Galactose- a monosaccharide, Sucrose- a disaccharide, fructose- a monosaccharide, maltose- a disaccharide, lactose- a disaccharide, and lactose & lactaid- disaccharide and its corresponding enzyme. Some of these carbohydrate sources have enzymes that can break them down readily, therefore glycolysis and fermentation can occur (Lombard, Terry, Malinoski
In order for cells to carry out their daily activities, the aid from some biological molecules are needed. These molecules are categorized by biologists into four major groups, and are given the name macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. The identification of these macromolecules are crucial for biologists to gain a better understanding of cellular activities such as metabolism, respiration, and photosynthesis. The aim of this experiment is to identify the macromolecules by using different reagents, with the exception of nucleic acids and lipids. The experiment is divided into three sections, testing for proteins, complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), and simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides and some disaccharides). A number of 12 samples are tested, including one unknown sample. Positive controls that were used for all the sections are protein solution, 1% starch solution, and 1% glucose solution, respectively. Distilled water is used as a negative control for all sections.
The purpose of this lab is to determine the type of macromolecules that make up a particular unknown solution; using 3 different chemical tests. The first test consists of adding Benedict’s reagent to 12 different solutions; including the unknown. If any of the 12 solutions undergo a reaction in which they change colour (yellow, green, red or brown), then; the solutions contain simple sugars (ex. Monosaccharides).
D-glucopyranose or, more commonly, D-glucose is an aldohexose, a reducing sugar and a component of sucrose, lactose, cellulose, and starch; the latter is typically used as the primary material for the commercial production of glucose via enzymatic hydrolysis (de Wit et al. 1993). Glucose is the primary component for the manufacture of alkyl polyglucosides, D-glucitol, gluconic acid, and high fructose corn syrup; in fact, D-glucose can undergo a fermentation process to produce L-ascorbic acid, from D-glucitol, as well as polyesters, polyurethanes, and alkyd and melamine resins. Moreover, D-glucose can form pyranoid, furnaoid, and acyclic tautomers (Lichtenthaler and Peters 2004). This tautomeric form must be fixed to help facilitate subsequent reactions such for the formation of furanoid diacetonide, acyclic dithio-acetal, pyranoid structures, in glucosidic forms, and glucal or hydroxyglucal esters. Furthermore, an acetylacetone reaction with D-glucose, with intercession from ZnCl¬¬2, forms highly substituted furan derivatives. Since only the first two D-glucose carbons participate in the furan formation, a hydrophilic tetrahydroxybutyl side chain also forms, which can be oxidized to yield a selection of furanic building blocks. In comparison, D-glucose can react with pentane-2,4-dione, in a moderately basic environment, to cause carbon addition, followed by a retroaldol style elimination of acetate. Considering that this reaction uses simple reagents in an
In this lab, proper laboratory technique was implemented to have the experience in the lab. Furthermore, the unknown solution needed to be investigated, to determine the solution’s macromolecules. Three methods were comprised to determine the unknown, but a set of other solution was used to help as indicators to match the unknown solution’s results. It’s consisted of biuret, iodine and benedict solution.
FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) spectra of the partially purified SP were determined using FTIR spectrophotometer model 5700 (M/S Thermo electron Corporation, USA). Polysaccharide powder (2–3 mg) was mixed with KBr and pressed into a disk. The whole IR spectrum was analyzed with a scan range of 4000–400 cm-1. Thirty scans were taken with 4 cm-1 resolution. CO2 and H2O corrections were incorporated. Reproducibility of the normalized spectra was ±2%. (Shanthi et al., 2014).
Among the various chemical modifications, glycosylation describes the covalent coupling reactions between the ε- or N-terminal amino group of proteins and the carbonyl group of polysaccharide chains (Aminlari et al 2005). Various proteins such as ovalbumin, soy protein isolate, whey protein isolate, and peanut protein isolate have been evaluated for glycosylation process and shown to