The patient was recently assigned to this writer's caseload. Based on the patient's history thus far, she's compliant with her attendance. The patient currently has three take home bottles. Please note, the patient's bottles were suspended in the month of March of 2016 due to not validating her Rx Scripts in a timely manner. Her bottles were reinstated in the month of May 2016. This writer will monitor the patient's progress in treatment, ensure that the patient validates her Rx Script, and monitor the patient UDS result.
3. The patient had informed this writer initially of his goals of wanting to return back to the Hartford Dispensary due to the length of time he has been with the clinic and his positive rapport with his prior counselor at the other facility. The patient was compliant with his individual sessions with this writer and provided cancellation if unable to attend the session in the meantime while he awaits on the process of completion with his intake at Hartford Dispensary.
The patient did not hesitate to sign the tx violation and was very understanding as to why due to non-compliance, but again, this writer gave the patient credit for his efforts, but appointment needs to be established with proof of documentation. This writer strongly urges the patient to still follow through with team recommendation and obtain a documentation of his scheduled intake, at which the patient agreed to do.
The pharmacist must offer to discuss the unique drug therapy regimen of each Medicaid recipient when filling prescriptions for them. Each patient must be made an offer to be counseled by the pharmacist. The items to be addressed include, the name of the drug, intended use of expected action, common side effects and their avoidance, techniques for self-monitoring, proper storage, potential drug-drug or drug-food contraindications, refill
This writer met with the patient to address the conflicting issue with his medication. According to the patient, his PCP was prescribing him with his benzodiazepine medications; however, the patient says, " I had to seek a psychiatrist because it was only temporary." This explains the conflicting issues with the Rx Scripts on file. The patient started his treatment with his now psychatrist on 6/12/2017 and signed an ROI. Addressing picking up his medication from two different pharmacy, the patient was advise that he needs to be pick up his medication with only one pharmacy as it is required. The patient agreed to the terms and said, " I like CVS better than Walgreens. Sometimes they would my refill to Walgreens or whatever is closer to me,
D-This writer met with the patient upon her request to complete the dose change request form to lower her dose as the patient experience she wants to start tapering off methadone as the patient haven't used any illicit drugs for several months. This writer completed the dose change request form with the patient pressence and also, assessed the patient that she has not experience any withdrawals since prior increase based on her order history. The patient denies any cravings and withdrawals. Furthermore, while completing the request, this writer learned that the patient is prescribed with Albuterol inhaler and strongly urges the patient to bring in the RX script tomorrow. The patient complained that no one has ever told her of this and this
After administering any drug or medication to a patient, there are certain steps a first responder must take to ensure legal protection. To begin, there must be clear and thorough documentation of the situation and the patient’s signs and symptoms, their indications, and their contraindications. There are also basics that
D-Spoke with the patient as she was being curbside dose. This writer reiterate about TEAM recommendation, at which the patient declines the notion of being placed in a skilled nursing facility due to her medical issues.This writer informed the patient that her level of care is inappropriate for this treatment and a high level of care would be more efficient. According to the patient, she's working with Chrysalis and is willing to sign an ROI for this writer to communicate with her case worker Anthony, aka Tony. Reported stable on her dose.
Medical Update: Client has a lot of medical issues. She is legally blind and she goes to Bellevue Hospital Center for all medical appointments. CM informs the client for the next bi-weekly client must bring a list of medications.
Are the “five rights” of the medication administration process being met? If yes, the nurse can continue to the next step. If no, the nurse cannot proceed, because the “five rights” of the medication administration process have not been met.
D-The patient arrived on time for her appointment. Reports stable on her dose and wants to continue to voluntary taper dose until she reaches 10mgs. The patient is going through some financial difficulties as her significant other lost his employment and the family is surviving on savings, which will end by the end of the July. This writer provided the patient with a list of temp. agencies and also, information about CT works for further assistance.
Client appears to be decompensating. She is losing weight and she was refer to take a urine test to rule out toxicology. CM assessed client needs: client must maintain PA case active, client must meet with CM every Friday and the Client must maintain all off-site medical appointments and medication regiment. CM reviewed Bi-Weekly ILP. Client agreed and
Data: Client came to appointment on time with a decent attitude, and engaging during session. Today’s individual session was focused on addressing client’s treatment attendance issue. Client has not attending treatment group consistently, which will put her not in compliance with Kaiser Permanente suboxone program, as well as CD treatment at THS. Client has 7 absences from 03/01/17 – 05/25/17. Client reported no use of alcohol or other substances since started treatment. Client reported going to Kaiser Permanente weekly for counseling, UA, and obtain Suboxone prescription at Capitol Hill, Seattle. PC provided client with information for different OP groups but client stated, “I will make it work. Wednesday group works for me better.”
The patient was admitted to the hospital by her daughter after discovering that she had abandoned her medication and was significantly experiencing adverse effects from the withdrawal. The patients’ medical history included renal dysfunction, anemia, malnourishment, back pain, and a family history of mental health. The patient has a psychiatric history of being previously placed in the same clinical structure eight months ago due to related issues including the failure to take her medication and increased levels of mental health conditions that led
The nurse must verify the physician’s medication order, including the dose and time, and then the pharmacy is responsible for their own checks and balances via the BCMA system in order to complete the dispensing phase of the medication (Gooder, 2011). The nurse enters the BCMA system with a login and password and is able then to see a list of the virtual due list for a specific patient. The computer on wheels is then taken to that patient’s room and the five rights of medication administration begin. As nurses, we are taught to use the five rights of drug administration are (1) right patient (2) right medication (3) right dose (4) right route and (5) right time. By scanning the barcode on the patient’s hospital identification band, the nurse then asks for the patient to verbally state their name and date of birth, which can be verified by the nurse on the virtual due list and then choses the medication that are due for administration at that time. The medication is dispensed and the nurse is able to scan the barcode on the medication, the scanning triggers the automatic documentation of the medication given (Kelly, 2012).
Patient is 52 year male with diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Generalized anxiety, Gastro-esophageal reflux Constipation, Alert orient X 3, was and cooperative during SN visit. Denied SI, HI, V/H, A/H, self harm behavior and contracted for safety. Mood/affect flat. pt has poor family dynamic , a family that have not been supporting him. pt has been under CHD for financial managements. and A better life home care with his which provide him with daily skilled visit in provided daily assessments of patient vital signs, medication administration/management (assessing compliance of pre-poured medication), assessing patient’s mood, mental status, coping skills as well as safety which has in turn kept the patient out of any possible hospitalization this period. Patient continue on clozaril which requires to be carefully administered and monitored if any side effect.patient is also continue on Vistaril Oral 25 MG 1 Cap(s) by mouth twice daily AM & PM as needed for anxiety which he requires daily d/t being