Genocide is a re-occurring problem in our world that needs to be fixed. There have been many different horrible cases of genocide, but a few stand out more than the others. The Rwandan genocide is an example. It was a very quick genocide that caused over 800,000 deaths. Here are the causes, the people, and the outcome of the Rwandan genocide.
There is a large array of things that caused the Rwandan genocide. Although there were several different causes, a few were more distinct. Between the two different ethnic groups, which were the Hutus and the Tutsis, there had already been previous conflict years before which helped start it. Yet what really ignited the genocide was when Habyarimana, the president of Rwanda, had his plane shot down. These are only a few of the very large amount of things that caused the Rwandan genocide.
There were also many people involved. Most of the people who did the killing were Hutu’s. Most of the people who were targeted were Tutsi males. The Tutsi’s were identified by their appearance, as they were usually taller and thinner than their counterpart Hutu’s. Although the main victims were Tutsi’s, Hutu’s who tried to rebel against the genocide were also targeted. Although Tutsi and Hutu women were not killed, they were often raped and beaten. The RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) were a group of Tutsi’s who aimed
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There were many causes to the Rwandan genocide, including previous arguments against the racial groups, and whoever shot down the president’s plane. All the people involved in the genocide were important; if there was even 1 less person in the making of the genocide, it could have ended completely differently. The outcome of the Rwandan genocide was terrible, but it also made lots of people aware of the types of things that are happening to people in the war. Types of things like this genocide are not okay, and they should be prevented from
Genocide is a mass killing of a certain ethnic or religious group that can be caused by either one of these factors: Discrimination, Government instability, Persecution based on: race, religion, ethnic origin, Ideology-one group is superior over another and war. To be a genocide they would have to check out at least one box of “checklist”. Past genocides can be caused by these things but the Rwandan genocide was caused by Ideology, discrimination and persecution of race and religion. One factor during the Rwandan genocide that helped contribute to the starting point of this specific genocide is Ideology. This is shown in the source 6, where it is stated “members of the Hutu ethnic majority in the east-central African nation of Rwanda murdered
In 1994, genocide unfolded in Rwanda claiming the lives of more than 700,000 Tutsi massacred at the hands of Hutu extremist, while the entire world stood by and watched. Some would argue this event was a result of civil unrest between the Tutsi and Hutu stemming from ancient
The Rwandan Genocide was a genocide against the Tutsis by the Hutus in 1994 taking place in Rwanda. This event like any other did not just happen randomly and had many factors involved for it to have happened. Factors such as certain leaders, the nature of state of Rwanda, attitude of the community, economy war, and many more are what caused the Rwandan Genocide.
Rwanda has had a tragic past filled with a devastating civil war and a heartbreaking mass murder that took the whole country by storm. The Rwandan genocide of 1944 was
This sparked a massive war, which came to be known as the Rwandan genocide. Extremists created riots and war areas for weeks. In that time over 800,000 men, women and children fell victim to this horrible catastrophe. This genocide event wiped out almost 3/4 of the Tutsi population. This was as close to extinction of a culture anyone has seen before. It took years to return to a normal state of being. All of this resulted from greed, people who wanted to strike fear and hatred into people, only to keep themselves in a powerful position, most likely in government. The United Nations became aware of this massive slaughter eventually, but no-one would step up and acknowledge it as being a genocide, even though this was in exact terms of what it
It is important to study the immediate and gradual causes of the genocide. A good understanding of the devastating Rwandan genocide can help prevent a repeat of such violent events. There were numerous situations that led to the murders, but some could have had a greater impact than others. Two of the biggest causes of the genocide were the assassination of Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and the hostility between the Hutus and Tutsis. The animosity between the two groups was built up over hundreds of years, while Habyarimana’s assassination was an incident that took place within hours of the beginning of the genocide. Habyarimana’s death seemed to be a trigger for the genocide, but the conflicts between the Hutus and Tutsis could have played an even larger role in the mass murders of thousands of Rwandans. The past relationship between the two groups must be studied in order to understand how they were able to reach a genocide.
What is genocide? Genocide is a deliberate and systematic attempt to destroy an ethnic, religious, racial, or national group. Two genocides that happened fairly recently are the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide. The victims of the Rwandan genocide and the victims of the Holocaust experienced similar stages of polarization, preparation, extermination, classification, symbolization, and dehumanization and different stages of organization and denial.
The Rwandan genocide occurred in 1944 where members of the Hutu ethnic majority in the east-central African nation of Rwanda, murdered nearly 800,000 people, mostly of the Tutsi minority.
Over the course of hundreds of years, Genocides have been a major problem in the world. A genocide is a mass killing of people by a group or nation. One of the worst genocides that had happened was the Rwandan Genocide. Rwanda is a country located in East Africa, between Uganda and Tanzania. There was a dispute in the government between the Hutus and the Tutsis for many years. In 1994, the genocide had begun and millions of people were slaughtered. During the Rwandan genocide, the Hutu government killed the Tutsis until Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and United Nations (UN) stopped the Hutus; the survivors are still haunted by the horrifying memories.
“In Rwanda, one person's God is another person's Satan”. This quote perfectly describes the main reason genocide is ever committed, that being one group thinks it is a beneficial thing to their country/community and one that absolutely despises that their friends, neighbors, and family are being slaughtered en masse. Rwandan genocide was a mass killing of the Tutsi population in the 1990’s, and it ranks seventh in terms of number of people killed in mass murders and/or genocides. Of course the first is the Holocaust, where Adolf Hitler systematically killed six million members of the Jewish faith. The common theme of both the Rwandan genocide and the Holocaust is that many people of the same faith or race died. Thus defines the term ‘genocide’.
Rwanda was taken over by the Belgians causing the Hutus and Tutsis to not get along which caused genocide. “Facing a revolution instigated by the Hutu, the Belgians let the Hutus, who constituted the majority of Rwanda 's population, be in charge of the new government. This upset the Tutsi. The animosity between the two groups continued for decades.” Both clans were upset and started Genocide in Rwanda. The causes of their mass casualties resolved in a never ending dispute between the two clans.
Does the Genocide in Rwanda have a singular cause? I do not believe so; the cause of genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was due to years of built up hatred between the Tutsis and the Hutus along with many other occurrences. The Rwandan Genocide is no exception with many variables contributing to the horrific events that took place. According to the documentary Ghosts of Rwanda, in 1994, Rwanda experienced a premeditated, systematic and state sponsored genocide with the aim of exterminating those who were ethnically identifiable as Tutsi. Between 500,000 and 800,000 people were killed in a period of 100 days, with around 77 percent of the population registered as Tutsi being murdered.
On April 6, 1994, a plane carrying Habyarimana and Burundi’s president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down over Kigali their were no survivors. They did not know who shot the plane down but they are blaming Hutu extremists and the leaders of the RPF. An hour after the plane went down the Rwandan armed forces and the Hutu militia groups had started setting up roadblocks and barricades, and started killing Tutsis and moderate Hutus. the first victims of the genocide were the moderate Hutu Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana and her 10 Belgian bodyguards, with that happening it started more conflict and interim government of extremist Hutu Power leaders from the military high command had stepped in on april 9. The killing in Rwanda had spreaded to the rest of the country, up to 800,000 or more had been slaughtered within 3 months.
When most people hear the word genocide, they automatically think about the Holocaust and Hitler. But what people don’t know is that there have been many other genocides in the past and that there are genocides happening still today. One of these was the Rwandan genocide. Rwanda consisted of three different religions, the Hutu, the Tutsi, and the Twa. The Hutu are the majority and are about 85% of the population. The Tutsis are the second largest in Rwanda which is about 14% of them Tutsi. Finally, this leaves the Twa at about 1% of the population.
Genocide is an international crime, which is basically the killing of many groups of people due to ethical, racial or religious reasons. Raphael Lemkin formed the word genocide when he combined geno- which symbolizes the word race or tribe, with –cide that is a Latin word that means killing, in 1944. The crime of genocide spread around the world until they reached Rwanda. The Rwandan population was divided into two main groups, which were the Hutus and the Tutsis. Approximately 85% of the Rwandan population was Hutus and approximately 14% was Tutsis. It all started on April 6, 1994 when President Habyarimana, one of the Hutus, was in a plane that crashed. So the Hutus directly blamed the Tutsis for the murder and the slaughter started immediately.