
Ruth Quiz

Decent Essays

1. Ruth’s father was a rabbi. He was traveling rabbi preacher. Ruth says he was just like preachers would see on TV except hem preached in synagogues. Ruth also says that “he wasn’t so smooth-talkin” like other traveling preachers. This occupation forced Ruth and her family to move often.
2. Ruth’s family moved a lot because of her father’s job as a traveling rabbi. She says that he was hard a rock and because of this they didn’t stay in one place for very long. Once Jewish congregations figured him out they sent him away. For a Jew in Ruth’s time there were no many jobs available so most of them had to travel and preach. Because of this, Ruth moved around very often when she was young.
3. While Ruth and her family moved from place to place …show more content…

Two similes are used when describing the Reverend’s sermons. It is said that his sermons “started like a tiny choo-choo train and ended up like a roaring locomotive.” He is also described as “a stutterer gone wild” when he preaches. The Reverend would start off very slow, get warmed up and then begin speaking in fast motion. All the while, the congregation would shout encouraging words to him.
4. James’ mother respected Reverends who grew up in the South in the old days. She says they used to know how to fire up a church the old-fashioned way. She didn’t like to hear sermon’s that involved politics, bad mouthing, and negativity. Ruth praised Reverends who were able to bring together a church with “real talk of God and genuine concern for their parishioners.” This style of preaching was similar to that of her “home” church, New Brown Memorial.
5. James says that the only time he sees his mother cry is at church. When the congregation is singing one of her favorite songs she bows her head and weeps. When James asked her why she always cried at church, she said because God made her happy and that she was crying because she was happy. James was doubtful though, because happy people did not cry like she did in church. He says her tears seemed to come from someplace far away inside her. I believe she cried in church because she was overwhelmed by the loving and accepting atmosphere …show more content…

James says that his mother’s tears at church came from somewhere deep inside her, where she would let none of her children see. James could feel the pain behind them. He thought that she cried because she wanted to be black like everyone else in the church. He wondered if
7. One day after church, James asked Ruth if God was black or white. His mother said God was not black or white, he was a spirit. Then, James asked her what color was God’s spirit. Ruth said it didn’t have a color. It was the color of water. This was a simple comparison that James was able to understand and accept at a young age.
8. One day in Sunday school, Richie had asked Reverend Owens if Jesus was white. Reverend Owens said no, and that Jesus was all colors. Richie was angry and questioned that if that was true, why was Jesus white in the picture in their Sunday school bible. Richie was frustrated that Jesus was portrayed as white, if in reality he was not. He said that if Jesus wasn’t black or white they should make him gray in the

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