
Russian Revolution Causes

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The Russian Revolution have many important stages that are distinct from one another, From the Tsar to the Provisional Government to the Communist. It all happened in 1914, World War I is booming in Europe, a perfect opportunity for Russia’s rotting society. War makes the Russian people forget about the disputes that the Tsar failed to resolve. And so the Tsar dragged his people to war with Germany. At first, Russia was seemingly to be successful, but the Russian army with bad leadership from the incompetent generals have caused them major defeats against the German. Morale was low and to combat this, Tsar Nicholas himself went to the battlefield and leave his wife in charge of the nation back home. People of all class heavily reject this …show more content…

The Red Army are the communists that are in power and held most of the land. Most countries of the former Russian Empire turn socialist and join Russia into a big Soviet Union. The Allies saw that Russia pulled out of the war and the German have more forces now that they are free from the Eastern front. And so the Allies intervened the Russian in their civil war by supporting the White, hopefully they would continue the war once they took over. But this is repelled when the Reds uses nationalism to encourage the Russian to drive out foreign power, this has a crucial outcome in the future as the Russian have a distrust in the West. The civil war uses Terror as a strategy for both sides. Assassinations attempts and executions happened often. The Red set up the Cheka, a Secret police force that take out political opponents and spread fear among their own people, just like what the tsar did when he was in power to keep the people from rebelling. The communists also set up forced labor camps to make political prisoner work. They also adopt a policy known as War Communism. The Government took control of almost all aspect of economy of the people and that peasants are forced to give all their crops to the Army and the people in the city, peasants were also forcefully drafted to the army or forced to work in factories. Trotsky trained his army into an effective fighting force, using terror to discipline his soldiers by shooting every tenth men in an unit if they performed poorly in battle. The Red army with strategic location and organization are far better than the scattered whites that have to fight from all sides with no coordinations. By 1921, the Reds beat the whites

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