
Russia 's Intervention During The Ukrainian Crisis

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With the current civil war in Ukraine unfolding and Russian involvement being well known, the average person would consider this a very simple situation of Russia flexing its might. While there is some truth for Russian involvement being exactly that, the reasoning for Russia’s foreign policy is a much more complex situation that cannot be summarized into one definitive reason. In fact, there are a variety of factors that could be categorized into three groups known as the three levels of analysis, International, Domestic, and Individual.
To better understand the context of Russia’s intervention in the Ukrainian crisis, one has understand that Ukraine and Russia share a very complex historical relation with one another. Dating back to the formation of Kievan Rus in the 9th century, Ukraine has shared a varying relationship with Russia ranging from a region of the Russian empire to one of the 15 states comprising the Soviet Union. This historical relationship, however has to the leading cause of the Ukrainian civil war. For much of Russia’s history, Russia had enacted domestic policies favoring the teaching of Russian customs and the Russian language collectively known as Russification as well as relocation of native populations. As a result, modern Ukraine has become a heterogeneous country. According the CIA’s ‘World Fact Book’, ethnic Ukrainians currently compose 77.8% of the population with ethnic Russians making up the largest minority at 17.3% while language wise,

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